Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Housing Development, Extensions and Alterations to Existing Dwellings

8.29. It is important that all new development proposals are assessed in terms of their relationship to and their impact on the functioning, quality and character of the surrounding environment. This will protect and enhance the character of an area through high quality design and most importantly ensure that reasonable standards of privacy and residential amenity are maintained.

Policy DLP14 Housing Development, Extensions and Alterations to Existing Dwellings View responses

  1. Housing development, residential conversions, extensions, and alterations to existing dwellings will be supported when:
    1. The design of the development is of an appropriate form, scale and mass and is sited appropriately.
    2. Materials which respect and are responsive to the context and character of the area are used – unless the proposal can be assessed as being significantly innovative, particularly in terms of sustainable measures or outstanding design. In the case of residential conversions, extensions and alterations, the development shall not have a detrimental impact on the character, form, and design of the host dwelling.
    3. The development is appropriate in its locality and would not cause unacceptable harm to the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring dwellings, including harm arising from loss of privacy, outlook, and sunlight – considering factors such as levels, orientation, and the separation of development.
    4. An appropriate level of amenity shall be provided for future occupiers of the development, including the provision of adequate accessible space for the storage and collection of household waste and recycling.
    5. The development would provide adequate access, parking, and provision for the manoeuvring of vehicles, with no detrimental impact on highway safety and the free flow of traffic.
    6. Housing development is sited on previously developed land and on sites in sustainable locations, close to public transport facilities and links.

8.30. The built environment, particularly residential, is one of the most important factors in determining overall quality of life. Residential spaces must work in way in which the community can both co-exist and create synergy, which requires residential areas to be protected and, where necessary, enhanced to ensure they are fit for purpose and that residential amenity is maintained. This can be in terms of ensuring privacy, preventing nuisance noise, providing adequate space for parking and waste storage and ensuring housing will continue to be fit for future residents. In that regard, careful control over the range and intensity of non-residential activity allowed in housing areas is essential.

8.31. Additionally, design standards are important in maintaining the overall quality of the built environment and ensuring that residents live in communities which they can be proud of and respect. Residential development should be in keeping with the character of an area, to create an urban environment that is congruent and visually appealing.

8.32. The Council is committed to maintaining the quality and functioning of housing areas to ensure the wellbeing of residents. In that regard, policy DLP14 sets out measures to maintain and enhance the quality of residential development and living conditions.


  • Residential Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (2023)


  • Local Plan documents and negotiations with developers through the Development Management process
  • Implementation of Housing Strategies
  • Securing funding to facilitate delivery
  • Working with key partners and delivery agencies
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