Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Noise pollution

19.10. This policy ensures that issues related to noise pollution are considered and addressed as part of new development proposals.

Policy DLP87 Noise Pollution View responses

  1. Where development has the potential to generate noise, the Council will require any such proposal to include measures that would minimise noise emissions and intrusions to an agreed, acceptable level.
  2. Where development would be subject to high noise levels the Council will require the proposal to include measures to reduce noise intrusion to an agreed, appropriate level.
  3. The Council will not permit development for either noise-generating proposals or noise-sensitive proposals where:
    1. a juxtaposition of uses arise, and;
    2. noise levels are assessed as being significant to the extent that amenity will be demonstrably prejudiced despite the provision of mitigation measures and, where those mitigation measures are considered to be inappropriate for the development proposal.

19.11. Noise pollution has the potential to be a nuisance and in extreme circumstances can cause considerable stress for people living and working in close proximity. The planning system has an important role to play in protecting local residents from development that results in noise pollution. In accordance with National Planning Guidance, consideration should also be given to any potential impacts of noise pollution upon the setting of heritage assets (see Policy DLP55).

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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