Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
8. Housing
8.1. The policies in this section will help to create a network of cohesive, healthy, and prosperous communities in Dudley, which is a fundamental element of the Plan's vision and objectives and will deliver the overarching strategic priorities. The provision of sufficient land to promote sustainable housing growth is the cornerstone of this approach. The policies also ensure the provision of a balanced range of housing in terms of type, tenure, wheelchair accessibility and affordability, and sufficient specialist provision for gypsies, travellers, and travelling showpeople, and for those who wish to self or custom build.
8.2. New housing will be of a well-designed high build quality, meeting national space and water efficiency standards, achieving high levels of energy efficiency and adapting to climate change (in line with the DLP design policies).
8.3. Maximising sustainable transport access to key residential services and focusing high density increases in the areas of greatest accessibility is at the heart of the Spatial Strategy. Providing a balanced network of quality education facilities is a further key part of this approach and to delivering economic prosperity.
Figure 8.1 Spatial Strategy Plan: Housing
Delivering Sustainable Growth
Policy DLP10 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth View responses
- Sufficient land will be provided to deliver at least 10,470 net new homes over the plan period to 2041. The key sources of housing land supply are summarised in Table 8.1 and all housing allocations are set out in DLP Part Two.
- The majority of the requirement will be met through sites with existing planning permission and sites allocated for housing by this Plan. Additional housing supply will also be secured on windfall sites in the urban area of the Borough. The estimated net effect of housing renewal up to 2041 will be reviewed annually and considered in the calculation of housing land supply.
- The development of sites for housing should demonstrate a comprehensive approach, making best use of available land and infrastructure and not prejudicing neighbouring uses. Incremental development of an allocated site will only be allowed where it would not prejudice the achievement of high-quality design on the allocation.
Table 8.1 Dudley Housing Land Supply and Indicative Phasing 2024 - 2041
Sources of Supply |
Total |
2024 - 2029 |
2029 - 2034 |
2034 - 2039 |
2039 – 2041 |
CURRENT SUPPLY (2023/2024) |
Sites under construction |
844 |
844 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sites with planning permission or prior approval |
1431 |
1431 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Brierley Hill Strategic Centre sites |
1546 |
271 |
453 |
578 |
244 |
Dudley Town Centre sites |
727 |
0 |
188 |
496 |
43 |
Stourbridge Town Centre sites |
229 |
144 |
54 |
31 |
0 |
Halesowen Town Centre sites |
228 |
129 |
27 |
54 |
18 |
Regeneration Corridor 1 |
585 |
162 |
225 |
198 |
0 |
Regeneration Corridor 2 |
972 |
253 |
331 |
144 |
244 |
Regeneration Corridor 3 |
585 |
164 |
156 |
139 |
126 |
Regeneration Corridor 4 |
90 |
54 |
36 |
0 |
0 |
Regeneration Corridor 5 |
90 |
25 |
31 |
34 |
0 |
Other – sites outside centres and regeneration corridors |
343 |
221 |
66 |
20 |
36 |
Small sites (184 dwellings - 14 years from 2027/28) |
2576 |
368 |
920 |
920 |
368 |
Brierley Hill Waterfront Offices (large windfall) |
200 |
200 |
DMBC Site disposals windfall allowance |
200 |
200 |
Centres uplift allowance |
164 |
164 |
10,810 |
4,066 |
2,487 |
2,614 |
1,643 |
Estimated housing demolitions |
340 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
40 |
10,470 |
3,966 |
2,387 |
2,514 |
1,603 |
8.4. The DLP identifies sufficient land to provide 10,810 homes (gross) by 2041 (10,470 net homes). This will accommodate 94% of current local housing need up to 2041 with 97% of the supply on brownfield land and 3% of the supply on greenfield land. A balanced range of sites has been provided in terms of size, location, and market attractiveness.
8.5. The detail of the housing allocations across Dudley are provided in DLP Part Two and all sites are shown on the Policies Map. Housing capacity has been identified in accordance with the Spatial Strategy and based on the following information:
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments (SHLAAs) and the Black Country Employment Area Review (BEAR)
- An estimate of likely windfall development on small sites and large sites up to 2041
- An assessment of the likely capacity of the strategic centre
- Application of a density uplift to existing allocations, where appropriate, and in centres to account for vacant floorspace
8.6. The housing supply from allocations on occupied employment land has been discounted by 15% in order to take account of the multiple delivery constraints that typically affect such sites and that are likely to reduce delivery on a minority of sites. Delivery constraints include poor ground conditions and the need for large-scale master-planning, land assembly, business relocations and residential service access improvements. The supply from sites with planning permission but not yet under construction has been discounted by 10% in accordance with historic lapse rates. These discounts are balanced rates that take account of the likely availability of external funding to address constraints, as set out in the Viability and Delivery Study. Together, these discounts provide sufficient flexibility in the housing land supply to meet any unforeseen circumstances.
8.7. The housing supply has been divided into four phases – 2024 to 2029 (five years), 2029 to 2034 (five-ten years), 2034 to 2039 (ten-fifteen years) and 2039 to 2041 (fifteen to eighteen years). A trajectory showing delivery for each phase is shown in the most up to date SHLAA and Appendix 4, which demonstrates a steady supply of housing completions to 2041.
- Dudley Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (2023/2024)
- Black Country Employment Areas Review (2021)
- Dudley Viability and Delivery Study (2023 and 2024)
- Annual update of the SHLAA
- Housing renewal will be delivered through local authority intervention and partnerships with other relevant bodies
- Securing funding to facilitate delivery
- Working with key partners and delivery agencies