Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Small Scale Local Facilities

10.18. This policy applies to proposals for small-scale local facilities (centre uses and complementary uses including social infrastructure and community uses) not in a centre, which have a proposed unit floorspace of under 280 sqm (gross). The priority is for local service needs to be met by the existing network of centres, to ensure their vitality and viability. However, some small-scale provision may be justified in certain circumstances to meet local community needs.

Policy DLP26 Small Scale Local Facilities

  1. Proposals including extensions to existing floorspace for small-scale local facilities for main town centre uses, as identified in national planning policy guidance, will be permitted in edge of and out-of-centre locations, where the new or extended unit, does not exceed 280sqm(gross) of floorspace, subject to the following requirements being met:  
    1. The proposal does not unduly impact on the health and wellbeing of the community it is intended to serve  
    2. The proposal is of an appropriate scale and nature to meet the specific day-to-day needs of a population with convenient, safe walking distances for new or improved facilities, with particular reference to accessible neighbourhoods  
    3. Existing facilities that meet day-to-day needs will not be undermined  
    4. Access to the proposal by means other than by car can be demonstrated and will be improved  

10.19. The existing network of centres plays a crucial role in serving the local needs of the Dudley Borough. Centres are also dependent on smaller units, such as supermarkets and convenience stores, to anchor their retail and service offer. It is therefore a priority to protect and support this approach. Local facilities are also provided in existing stand-alone locations and in small parades of shops. It is recognised that stand-alone provision to serve local communities, particularly where it offers social infrastructure, plays a positive role under certain, specific circumstances.

10.20. This policy relates to proposals for small-scale local facilities for new units of up to 280sqm (gross) of floorspace and extensions to existing units which would result in a total floor up to 280sqm (gross) and applies to new developments, changes of use and variations of conditions, including:

  1. Proposals related to petrol filling stations and drive-thru facilities.
  2. Proposals for ancillary uses under Policies DLP19 and DLP20

10.21. Proposals that have unit sizes under 280sqm (gross) but comprise a number of units where the total floorspace of the proposal exceeds 280sqm (gross) or where the proposed uplift in floorspace of unit size is under 280sqm but would create a unit over 280sqm will also have to meet the requirements of Policy DLP27.

  • Black Country Centres Study (2020, 2021, 2023 and subsequent updates)
  • Development Management through the determination of planning applications
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