Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Listed Buildings
14.19. Listed Buildings are those included in a statutory list compiled by the Secretary of State after having been recognised as being of particular special architectural or historic interest. There are approaching 300 such buildings in the borough. As well as being special in themselves, Listed Buildings often make a great contribution to the character of a wider locality. Their retention and sensitive conservation are accordingly key concerns.
14.20. Listed Building Consent must be obtained from the Council for demolition or any alteration, extension or change of use which would affect the character of a Listed Building. This requirement relates equally to internal and external alterations. Applicants for consent must be able to justify their proposals and will need to demonstrate why proposed works affecting the building's special interest are necessary.
14.21. Details of Listed Buildings within the borough can be found on the Council's website and on Heritage Gateway[66].
Policy DLP57 Listed Buildings
- The Council will protect, conserve and encourage the appropriate enhancement of buildings statutorily listed as being of historic or architectural value.
- Applicants proposing the alteration, extension or change of use of a statutorily Listed Building will be required to provide sufficient information to demonstrate how the proposals would contribute to the building's conservation, whilst preserving or enhancing its architectural or historic interest.
- Where such proposals would affect a listed structure which has a particularly complex building history and would involve a major impact on the historic plan form or significant loss of historic fabric, applicants may be required to commission a professional archaeological pre-determination heritage impact assessment. This should include an appropriate level of archaeological buildings recording, an analysis sufficient to demonstrate the significance of the existing plan form and historic fabric to be affected, be to an agreed timescale and clarify the degree of impact which the proposals would have upon the building's historic character and appearance.
- Proposals for demolition, inappropriate alteration of or addition to statutorily Listed Buildings, or for development which would harm their significance or be detrimental to their setting, will be resisted. Where Listed Building Consent is granted for demolition or alteration resulting in the loss of historic fabric, the Council will ensure that provision is made for an appropriate level of archaeological buildings recording to take place prior to the commencement of the approved works by appropriate and suitably qualified persons.
14.22. Policy DLP57 aims to ensure that special regard is made to the desirability of preserving the listed building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which possesses.
[66] Heritage Gateway. Available from: