Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Other Employment Areas

9.45. It is recognised that there are a number of established employment areas across Dudley Borough that are not of the quality of Strategic or Local Employment Areas. Sites and premises within these areas may be suitable for redevelopment for a continued employment use, or to alternative uses such as housing. This policy provides a flexible policy framework to guide development proposals in these areas.

Policy DLP21 Other Employment Areas View responses

  1. For employment areas that are not designated as Strategic Employment Areas, Local Employment Areas or Housing Allocations on the Policies Map, but which comprise existing occupied employment land within Dudley Borough, will be classed as Other Employment Areas, and will either be: 
    1. retained and enhanced for industrial employment uses within Class E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii)), Class B2 and B8 and other appropriate non-industrial employment uses, subject to site specific considerations, and allowed to be developed for such uses, or
    2. be redeveloped for housing, or 
    3. where the Other Employment Area can be evidenced as being easily and safely accessible via a direct footpath link to the boundary of a designated centre, for community, entertainment, food and drink, or leisure and recreation uses. 
  2. Development for uses under 1(b) or 1(c) will only be acceptable where there is robust evidence to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the council, that: 
    1. the site is no longer required for industrial employment purposes, including the possible relocation of displaced employment uses from other parts of Dudley Borough. 
    2. the site is no longer viable for industrial employment uses (evidence should be provided to show that the site has been marketed for employment uses for a period of at least 12 months including by site notice and internet listing). 
    3. there are satisfactory arrangements in place for the relocation of existing occupiers of the employment uses on the site, particularly within the local area. 
    4. the site can be brought forward for housing in a comprehensive manner and would not lead to piecemeal development.
    5. residential development or development under 1 (c), would not adversely affect the ongoing operation of existing or proposed employment uses on the site or nearby to the site. 
    6. the site is suitable for housing or other non-ancillary non-employment uses in accordance with local or national planning policies relating to those uses. 

9.46. There are a number of existing employment sites and areas that are not designated as Strategic or LEA's as, when assessed through the BEAR, they do not meet the thresholds for being allocated as LEA. These tend to be older, less marketable employment sites close to or within residential areas, where proposals for their redevelopment to deliver new homes could give rise to significant regeneration and community benefits.

9.47. It is also recognised that there are also a few such areas within the borough which, given their location within close proximity, via safe and direct pedestrian access, to an existing centre, could provide space for complementary non-employment uses to help sustain and enhance the vitality and viability of the centre.

9.48. Whilst Dudley will continue to support the existing businesses within these areas, it is therefore also necessary for the Plan to allow flexibility for them to be reused for alternative forms of appropriate development. The circumstances where such redevelopment will be permitted are set out in sections 2a - f of the policy.

9.49. In addressing criteria a and b, applicants will be required to submit an Economic and Market Assessment (EMA) that demonstrates that the site is unsuitable for continued employment use. The sustainability of the site's location, including its accessibility by a choice of modes of transport, will be one matter that should be considered in this context. The EMA should also include evidence that the site is vacant (unless it can be demonstrated that occupiers are to be relocated) and has been marketed over a reasonable period of time and at realistic rental and capital values.

  • Economic Development Needs Assessment (EDNA) (2023)
  • Black Country Area Review Report (BEAR) (2021)
  • Strategic Employment Land Review
  • Development Management process
  • Economic Development partners in promoting development opportunities and improvements programmes
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