Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Children's Play Areas

Policy DLP64 Children's Play Areas View responses

  1. Children's play areas will be retained and, where necessary, improved.
  2. Where a development proposal results in the loss of existing children's play space, or results in an increased deficiency in the availability of such play space, then planning permission will only be granted if a replacement facility of equivalent or better quantity and quality is provided. Such a replacement facility should be in an agreed suitable location well linked by means of cycling and walking and operational before the new development is occupied.
  3. In residential development proposals over the 80 units threshold, equipped children's play areas will be explored within the on-site recreational green space area in consultation with the Council to assess the type of play equipment needed to meet need. Guidance in the Council's latest Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision SPD will be considered in the suitability and type of any new play area.

15.5. This policy seeks to maintain and, where possible, improve the quality and provision of children's play areas. The provision and accessibility of safe children's play areas is important to the positive contribution to social development and health and wellbeing of children and promoting a child friendly borough. Particularly in promoting activity in young children and the provision and accessibility of play areas helps to counter the increasing childhood obesity levels in the borough.

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