Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Ended on the 29 November 2024
Control of Advertisements
19.14. This policy sets out matters to be considered for applications for new advertisements in the borough.
Policy DLP89 Control of Advertisements View responses
- The Council will resist the display of any advertisement which is detrimental to:
- the appearance of the building and/or land upon which it is displayed.
- the visual amenity and character of the surrounding area including key views and vistas.
- public safety including highway safety.
- The Council will require that the scale and design of any proposed advertisement should:
- be in keeping with the scale and character of the area and any adjacent or nearby buildings.
- be appropriate to the surroundings and any recognised heritage assets or buildings and locations identified as being heritage assets (See Policy DLP55).
- avoid obscuring any elevational design details and architectural features of a building.
- be appropriately and sensitively illuminated.
- avoid the cumulative impact of advertisements which may result in over proliferation and cluttering of the street-scene.
19.15. The Council recognises that outdoor advertising is essential to promote commercial activity and communicate information. Well designed and well-located advertisements add colour and vitality in urban areas whereas poorly designed and/or located advertising can be detrimental to visual amenity, and in some cases a public or highway safety hazard. The policy reflects the national policy approach to determining advertisement applications and guidance provided in the adopted Shopfront and Advertisement SPD (or any subsequent guidance).
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