Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Conservation Areas
14.17. Conservation Areas are areas that have been designated because of having special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. There are currently 22 designated Conservation Areas within the borough, and their boundaries are to be found on the Proposals Map. In addition to the information provided in the Historic Environment SPD, the borough-wide Historic Landscape Characterisation Study and in the various HLC documents, information about the borough's Conservation Areas can also be found in the relevant Conservation Area Appraisals.
Policy DLP56 Conservation Areas View responses
- The Council will seek to safeguard and enhance the Conservation Areas of the borough ensuring that proposals will better reveal their significance as designated heritage assets. Proposals for the inappropriate demolition or inappropriate alteration or extension of buildings in Conservation Areas; or proposals for works which would be detrimental to their character or setting; and proposals which could prejudice views into or out of Conservation Areas will be resisted.
- The Council will require the use of building materials appropriate to the Conservation Area in all new development. Any new development or alterations should respect the historical or vernacular building character, proportion, massing and relationship between buildings and the spaces between them and with their setting.
- Where planning permission is granted for the demolition of structures of historic interest in Conservation Areas, the Council will seek to ensure that provision is made for an appropriate level of archaeological buildings recording to take place prior to demolition and the results added to the Historic Environment Record (HER).
- To prevent gap sites, consent for demolition will, where appropriate, be subject to a condition providing that demolition shall not take place until a contract for carrying out redevelopment works is in place and planning permission for those works has been granted in line with the requirements of legislation, the NPPF and the Dudley Local Plan.
- The Council will continue to undertake a review of Conservation Areas throughout the borough and where appropriate will amend or create new Conservation Areas where appropriate in accordance with guidance provided by Historic England.
14.18. Policy DLP56 aims to ensure that special attention is paid to desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation areas of the borough.