Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024


Dudley has a proud history of industrial innovation and production and is known for its important heritage and environmental assets. It is a place where people of all ages are proud to live, work, visit and aspire to stay. Dudley remains a major centre for manufacturing at the heart of the West Midlands and the Black Country and is well located with strong transport links and aspirations to achieve excellence for its local communities and businesses whilst protecting its much loved landscapes, heritage, and natural habitats.

We are required by the government to bring forward a Local Plan that delivers the Borough's future needs. It is vitally important that we set out a robust planning framework to enable much needed housing and employment development to come forward for our local communities in Dudley. The Dudley Local Plan has a central role in how we address these challenges. It sets out a framework that will guide future development across the Borough, in particular how we address climate change, quality of life, infrastructure, deliver an aspirational regeneration strategy and an inclusive economy. By planning positively, we can ensure that growth is accommodated in a way that is both sustainable and deliverable.

This document, the Dudley Local Plan Regulation 19 Publication Version, together with other supporting documents, explains the Council's approach to guide development in the Borough for the period 2024 – 2041. It is an ambitious document which actively tackles the issues we face today in seeking to achieve sustainable growth.

I am committed to ensuring that this document is prepared in an open and transparent manner and that the views of the public and stakeholders are listened to and taken into account. This is the final version of the Local Plan before it is submitted to the Secretary of State and the Planning Inspectorate for Examination in Public. Your views are very much welcomed and will be reviewed and submitted for consideration by an independent Inspector, who will be appointed as part of the Examination hearings process.

Please remember to submit any comments by 5.00pm Friday 29th November 2024.

Councillor Paul Bradley
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member Communities, Climate Change & Economic Delivery
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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