Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Areas of High Historic Townscape Value (AHHTV)
14.25. The Council has identified and designated Areas of High Historic Townscape Value (AHHTV) in the borough-wide HLCS 2016 and also in the HLC documents prepared for Brierley Hill, Dudley, Halesowen Stourbridge and the Glass Quarter and in the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation Study. AHHTV's highlight the existence of certain areas of the borough that exhibit a concentration of heritage assets and other historic features that, in combination, make a particularly positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness. These areas are thereby considered to be "Areas of High Historic Townscape Value".
Policy DLP59 Areas of High Historic Townscape Value (AHHTV) View responses
- New development proposals within an AHHTV, as defined by Dudley's Historic Landscape Characterisation Survey (HLCS), must consolidate or enhance the existing positive characteristics of the locality, including the public realm, in order to create complementary good quality design. Views into, out of and within the AHHTV must be respected.
- Heritage Statements and Design and Access Statements accompanying planning applications in AHHTV's must be prepared with full reference to the borough-wide Historic Landscape Characterisation Study (HLCS) in order to produce a locally responsive high-quality design that, wherever appropriate, conserves and enhances significant heritage assets together with their settings.
- Proposals will not be permitted if they fail to respond adequately to the character and context of an AHHTV or prejudice significant views into, out of or within an AHHTV as identified within the HCS.
14.26. Areas of High Historic Townscape Value (AHHTV) are one of the Historic Environment Area Designations (HEADS) listed in Policy DLP55. They define areas of townscape of acknowledged importance and Policy DLP59 aims to ensure that where new development is proposed in an AHHTV, every effort must be made to ensure it consolidates or enhances its existing positive characteristics and that views into, out of and within the AHHTV are respected.