Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Incompatible Land Uses
19.4. This policy ensures that developments which are incompatible in terms of their environment impact are not permitted unless suitable mitigation is provided.
Policy DLP84 Incompatible Land Uses
- Development will not be permitted if it is incompatible, in terms of its environmental impact, with the surrounding uses and suitable mitigation cannot be provided (prior to the development being completed).
- This will particularly be as a result of the amenity of the occupiers of existing and proposed buildings and the users of the public realm at or near to the site potentially being subject to undue harm as a result of development, especially by virtue of noise and disturbance, light and air pollution, and odours and fumes. This especially relates to the amenity of the occupiers of dwellings. The 'agent of change' principle as detailed in national planning policy will be applied to development proposals.
19.5. It is acknowledged that amenity of existing occupants or users of a particular development or space can be harmed as a result of the impact of environmental factors such as noise and air pollution brought about by a new development or proposal. This policy recognises that it is not only occupiers of residential buildings that experience the impact of adjacent development on amenity value but also buildings and spaces which are used for employment, retail, community or leisure purposes. It reflects the national planning policy approach in respect of the 'agent of change' principle. This seeks to ensure that new development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities, and that existing businesses and facilities do not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established.