Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network
16.22. The West Midlands Key Route Network caters for the main strategic demand flows of people and freight across the metropolitan area whilst providing connections to the national Strategic Road Network. Highway capacity will be used to effectively cater for movement by rapid transit and core bus routes, the Metropolitan Cycle Network, lorries, vans and private cars. This may involve the reallocation of road space where appropriate to provide reliable, fast, high-volume transit, and will be supported by an enhanced role for Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC) via the West Midlands Regional Traffic Control Centre (RTCC) in 'real time'.
Policy DLP68 The Key Route Network View responses
- The Council, in conjunction with other regional and strategic Highway Authorities and Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) as appropriate, will identify capital improvements and management strategies to ensure the Key Route Network (KRN) meets its designated function of serving the main strategic demand flows of people and freight across Dudley Borough and the wider metropolitan area, providing connections to the national strategic road network, serving large local flows that use main roads and providing good access for businesses reliant on road-based transport.
- Land needed for the implementation of improvements to the KRN will be safeguarded in order to assist in their future delivery.
- Where new development is expected to result in adverse impacts on the KRN, appropriate mitigation measures will need to be identified through Transport Assessments and provided through Planning Obligations and/or Planning Conditions.
16.23. The West Midlands KRN not only serves the main strategic demand flows of people and freight across the metropolitan area and provides connections to the national strategic road network. It also serves large local flows which use main roads and will need to provide good access for businesses reliant on road-based transport. The network will use highway capacity effectively to cater for movement by rapid transit and core bus routes, the Metropolitan Cycle Network, lorries, vans and private cars. This will involve the reallocation of road space where appropriate to provide reliable, fast, high volume public transport and enhanced cycling, walking and wheeling facilities.
16.24. Proposals that are in line with the regional road safety aims such as Vision Zero Network and a Safe System Approach, which aim to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, will be encouraged.
16.25. The KRN has been defined on the basis of a West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) definition agreed with the seven highway authorities, in consultation with neighbouring highway authorities, and features agreed performance specifications drawn up for different types of link in the network in accordance with their role for movement ("link"), and their role as a destination in its own right e.g. a suburban/town centre high street ("place").
16.26. Improvements will be made to meet the agreed performance specification for the links and junctions involved to support road based rapid transit proposals such as SPRINT (Bus Rapid Transit) and Metro. Improvements will take into account guidance contained in the National Bus Strategy and the West Midlands Vision for Bus. All improvements to support cycling should seek to adopt the principles contained in Local Transport Note (LTN) 1/20.
16.27. Capital scheme improvements will be identified where appropriate, but it also is vital that this network is managed efficiently through the collaboration of all four Black Country Authorities (Wolverhampton, Walsall, Sandwell and Dudley) and surrounding authorities in their role as the Local Highways Authority (LHA), particularly on cross-boundary schemes.
- West Midlands Strategic Transport Plan - Movement for Growth (TfWM 2016) Movement for Growth - 2026 Delivery plan for Transport (TfWM 2017)
- West Midlands Strategic Transport Plan (Core Strategy) – Reimagining transport in the West Midlands (TfWM 2023 and ongoing)
- Black Country Transport - Connected for Growth (BCLEP and TfWM 2019)
- West Midlands' Key Route Network Evidence Report (TfWM 2018)
- West Midlands Vision for Bus (TfWM 2018)
- Local Transport Note 1/20 (DfT 2020)
- The overarching responsibility for the development and improvement of the Key Route Network sits with the West Midlands Mayor and Transport for West Midlands, working in partnership with the Local Highway Authority. The framework for improvement forms part of Movement for Growth (and its successor) with implementation guided by a series of KRN Corridor Action Plans.
- Funding for individual improvements will be sought through a combination of competitive funding streams (such as the DfT's Major Route Network and Large Local Majors Funds) and from devolved local transport settlements (including CRSTS), along with third party contributions wherever appropriate.
- Where proposals cover key public transport routes, funding will also be sought through appropriate Government bus related funding opportunities.