Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Water Quality

12.65. New developments should not adversely impact water quality. The Water Framework Directive ensures that developments do not cause a deterioration in the status of inland waterways.

Policy DLP48 Water Quality and Groundwater Source Protection Zones View responses

  1. Development should follow the hierarchy (order of preference for foul drainage connection), as set out in the National Planning Practice Guidance. The Council requires non mains drainage proposals to assess the potential impacts upon water quality to ensure no detrimental impact on the water environment.
  1. Proposals that would result in an unacceptable risk to the quality and / or quantity of a water body or water bodies will not be permitted. Strategies to help mitigate the impact of development on water quality will be required at planning application stage, these should also identify how they can improve water quality
  2. No development will be permitted within a groundwater Source Protection Zone that would physically disturb an aquifer, and no permission will be granted without a risk assessment demonstrating there would be no adverse effect on water resources.

12.66. The protection of groundwater is an important consideration in dealing with development sites, with a particular regard to sites that are contaminated. The Local Authority have a duty to maintain and protect the quality and quantity of groundwater resources for current and future abstraction, for dependent ecosystems and indirect uses. The Environment Agency may object (through planning or their permitted controls) to development activities, where groundwater is affected. Regard to the Canal network and water quality is also required see Policy DLP36.






Proportion of qualifying development proposals that incorporate decentralised energy provision.



Proportion of new housing and other development built including SuDs



Proportion of qualifying developments meeting the renewable and low carbon energy and BREEAM New Construction standards set out in Policy DLP47.


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