Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Areas of High Historic Landscape Value (AHHLV)

14.27. The Council has identified in the Borough-wide HLCS 2016 and also in the HLC documents prepared for Brierley Hill, Dudley, Halesowen Stourbridge and the Glass Quarter and in the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation Study

14.28. AHHLV's recognise the importance of the wider landscape elements of the historic environment such as areas of open space, woodland, watercourses, hedgerows and archaeological features and their contribution to local character and distinctiveness as well as their historic, communal, ecological and aesthetic values.

Policy DLP60 Areas of High Historic Landscape Value (AHHLV) View responses View map

  1. Within Areas of High Historic Landscape Value, the Council will resist any development or other works taking place which would be detrimental to the character, quality and historic integrity of the landscape.
  2. The Council will seek to protect and enhance views into, from or within Areas of High Historic Landscape Value. Approval will not be given where such views would be unduly interrupted or harmed, or where the opportunity to enhance such a view would be lost.
  3. Heritage Statements and Design and Access Statements accompanying planning applications in or adjacent to an AHHLV, must be prepared with full reference to the Borough-wide Historic Landscape Characterisation Study (HLCS). The Design and Access Statement must clearly evidence how the proposal has taken account of the HLCS in order to produce a locally responsive high-quality design that, wherever appropriate, conserves and enhances significant landscape heritage assets together with their settings.
  4. Proposals which fail to respond adequately to their historic landscape context or that would prejudice views into, out of or within an AHHLV will not be permitted.

14.29. Areas of High Historic Landscape Value (AHHLV) are one of the Historic Environment Area Designations (HEADS) define areas of landscape of acknowledged importance and are listed in Policy DLP55. Policy DLP60 aims to ensure that where new development is proposed in an AHHLV, every effort must be made to ensure it consolidates or enhances its existing positive characteristics and that views into, out of and within the AHHLV are respected.

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