Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

16.28. To ensure that the transport elements of the DLP are deliverable, it is essential that both new developments and existing facilities identify travel and transportation impacts and proposals for mitigation. It is important that accessibility by a choice of sustainable modes of transport is maximised. Transport Assessments and Travel Plans produced by developers, employers, schools, and facility operators are essential to bring about sustainable travel solutions and help deliver strategic transport objectives.

Policy DLP69 Transport Impacts of New Development View responses

  1. Planning permission will not be granted for any proposals that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the transport network, in terms of capacity, congestion and/or highway safety, unless accompanied by mitigation schemes that can demonstrate that an acceptable level of accessibility and safety can be achieved using all modes of transport to, from and through the development. Mitigation schemes must address in particular, access by wheeling, walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing. 
  2. The Council will require a Transport Assessment to be submitted for major developments, in line with up to date national planning guidance, in order to assess the level of impact on the transport network and provide improvements that integrate all modes into proposed solutions, as appropriate. Transport Assessments shall also include an assessment of their impact on future transport schemes, where applicable. Development proposals should also have full regard to local plan guidance and/or other Council policies on parking standards, air quality and carbon management, and where appropriate the Council will seek a Travel Plan to be implemented for the users of the development.  
  3. The Council will require that all new development:
    1. is appropriate in scale to the existing transportation infrastructure of the immediate area and transport corridor or includes measures to overcome any deficiencies.  
    2. actively promotes pedestrian and cycle movement, whilst ensuring safe egress and access for all highway users (including the provision of appropriate parking to reduce on-road parking).
    3. addresses the needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility in relation to all modes of transport (see also Policy DLP83).
    4. makes adequate provision for the loading and unloading of commercial vehicles where appropriate.  
    5. provides links to the public transport system, and local walking and cycling networks. 
    6. makes adequate provision for the managing of delivery operations, and the servicing of new properties and businesses (including emergency vehicles). 
    7. incorporates safe, direct and user-friendly transport links within the layout of the site, as well as active travel storage. 

16.29. All developments will be assessed both in terms of their impact on the transport network and the opportunities available to ensure that the site is accessible by sustainable modes of transport. The supporting documentation will either take the form of a full Transport Assessment (TA) or a less detailed Transport Statement (TS) and will generally be determined by the size and scale of the development or land use. This will be based on local and national guidance, with a TA sometimes being required instead of a TS based on reasons other than spatial thresholds such as road safety concerns, existing congestion problems, air quality problems, concerns over community severance or the likelihood of off-site parking being generated.

16.30. In addition, TfWM's guide for developers should be routinely consulted for larger developments, and where a development is considered to have a potential significant effect on the SRN, Highways England will be involved. In addition, under appropriate circumstances consultation with Active Travel England will also be necessary.

  • Transport for West Midlands Guide for Developers (TfWM 2021)
  • Through the Development Management process and via Planning Obligations or other legal and funding mechanisms.
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