Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Areas outside the Growth Network
5.20. Areas that make up the existing urban area sitting outside of the Growth Network, such as district and local centres, will play a vital role in delivering the overall strategy.
Policy DLP3 Areas outside the Growth Network
- By 2041, the areas outside the Growth Network will provide:
- A mix of good quality residential areas where people choose to live.
- A strong and improved network of green and blue infrastructure, centres and community facilities to promote health and wellbeing.
- Strong links to Regeneration Corridors and Centres, via access and design improvements to spread regeneration benefits and ensure integration of new and existing communities.
- A supply of development opportunities on land allocated outside the Regeneration Corridors and Centres.
- The main role of areas outside the Growth Network are to provide employment opportunities to serve communities outside the Regeneration Corridors and Centres and to provide a supply of housing land at appropriate densities to meet local needs. Local and District Centres will be protected and enhanced, to serve new and proposed development. Site allocations outside the Growth Network are listed in Part Two.
- The broad approach to development in areas outside the Growth Network will be to primarily focus on brownfield land, in locations with best access to local services and infrastructure.
- Improved green and blue infrastructure, linked with protected Green Belt will promote health and wellbeing, support biodiversity and will bring the countryside and its landscape into the heart of the urban area.
- Protection and enhancement of local character and the historic environment.
- Dudley's Green Belt boundaries will be maintained and protected from inappropriate development.
- Focusing development in the most accessible locations, developing a strong network of centres and community facilities and creating strong links to the growth network will support social inclusion and the creation of sustainable communities.
5.21. Whilst the focus of development activity is on the Growth Network, areas outside this network will play a vital role in delivering the overall strategy, as part of a balanced approach for meeting the development needs of the borough. These areas make up most of the existing urban area and are where most residents live. They are supported by a range of district and local centres, as set out in the Centres section. It is important that the local distinctiveness of these areas is protected and enhanced through new development.
5.22. Development will be focused in the most sustainable and accessible locations, and as outlined above, strong links will be created between the Growth Network and areas of development outside of it. The protection and enhancement of the borough's green and blue infrastructure will be supported by this approach to improve access and promote physical activity, health and wellbeing.
- SHLAA (2024)
- Urban Capacity Review Update (2024)
- Black Country Employment Areas Review (BEAR, 2021)
- Viability Study (2024)
- Black Country Economic Development Needs Assessment (EDNA, 2017 and 2021 and EDNA 2023)
- Strategic Transport Evidence
- Strategic Environment Evidence
- Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC)
- Annual update of SHLAA
- Authority Monitoring Report
- Housing renewal will be delivered through local authority intervention
- Securing funding to facilitate delivery
- Working with key partners and delivery agencies