Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Ended on the 29 November 2024

Residential Developments in Centres

10.31. The upper storey of shops and other commercial buildings, and the reuse of vacant and redundant buildings within centres, offers opportunities for residential development.

10.32. Residential living within centres can increase the vitality of an area and provide natural surveillance outside of normal business hours. Encouraging more people to live in centre locations increases the viability of centres and provide a sustainable location due to reducing the need to travel by car through good transport links and increased opportunities for walking and cycling.

Policy DLP28 Residential Developments in Centres View responses

  1. Development proposals involving residential developments within Town, District and Local Centres, including the conversion or development of upper floors, the reuse of redundant buildings or new build developments, will be permitted provided that the following points are considered:  
  1. That there is no unduly adverse effect on the amenities of the locality by means of design, appearance or traffic generation.  
  2. That proposals maximise the potential use of the whole building including appropriate space for cycle storage and the storage and collection of household waste and recycling.
  3. A reduction in the level of parking against the standards normally required for residential development may be considered applicable, where the site is evidenced as being within a 400m walking distance of public transport.  
  4. A reduction in the amount of amenity space against the standards normally required for residential development may be acceptable, where the reduced area comprises high quality landscaped public realm and/or overlooks and has ready access to an area of adjoining Public Open Space.   
  5. That sound proofing measures for proposed residential units are properly considered.  
  6. Development would not affect the vitality or viability of any existing business or use within its vicinity.  

10.33. Residential developments can play an important role in ensuring the vitality of centres and provides residents' easier access to a range of services and facilities. This can be through change of uses of vacant properties, conversions of upper floors, or new residential or mixed-use developments.

10.34. Following changes in the use class order and GPDO, Class MA, allows changes of uses from Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) to residential, subject to prior approval. Which supports the reuse of vacant units for residential accommodation to bring these units into a new use to help the vitality of the centres and introducing more flexibility within centre locations.

10.35. Centres play an important role in meeting the housing need for the borough, while also providing accommodation in sustainable locations with access to a range of amenities. The type and location of residential accommodation within centres should reflect the size and function of the centre.

10.36. Where a residential use would be introduced adjacent to established uses, the residential development would be expected to incorporate suitable mitigation measures where the operations of an existing business or community facility would have significant adverse effect on the new development (this includes change of uses).

  • Black Country Centres Study (2020, 2021, 2023 and subsequent updates)
  • Development Management through the determination of planning applications
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