Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Supported Accommodation
8.27. The Council is committed to delivering homes for all. This means a diverse range of housing to suit the needs of our residents, including for those with specialist needs and the older population. This accommodation needs to be situated in locations that support a high quality of life and enable independence, where possible, through good access to transport, amenities and public open space.
Policy DLP13 Supported Accommodation View responses
- The Council will support the provision of accommodation for people with specific needs, where a need has been identified. Proposals providing accommodation for people with specific needs, including care homes and extra care facilities will be considered in relation to the following criteria:
- Accessibility to public transport links and key local services
- Compatibility with either adjacent use and resulting impact on the character and adequate level of overall amenity of the surrounding area
- Provision for sufficient parking for residents, staff and visitors, and manoeuvring of vehicles and impact on highway safety
- Provision of private amenity space or be in close proximity to an area of public open space.
- Development proposals should be consistent with other Local Plan policies.
8.28. The National Planning Policy Framework recognises that the provision of housing to meet the needs of present and future generations is a key role of the planning system, and widening the choice of high-quality housing types, densities, and affordability is a key driver towards the delivery of sustainable developments. Policies within the Dudley Plan aspire to create a network of cohesive, healthy and prosperous communities with equal access to a mix of affordable and appropriate housing options.
- Dudley Housing Market Assessment (2024)
- Dudley Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (2023/2024)
- Local Plan documents and negotiations with developers through the Development Management process
- Implementation of Housing Strategies and other strategies including social care
- Securing funding to facilitate delivery
- Working with key partners and delivery agencies