Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies

Ended on the 22 December 2023

Appendix 2 – Adopted Dudley Local Plan Policies and Allocations to be superseded by the Dudley Local Plan

Local Plan document

Superseded Policy

Replacement Policy / wording

Black Country Core Strategy

CSP1 - The Growth Network

Policy DLP2: Growth Network: Regeneration Corridors and Centres

Black Country Core Strategy

CSP2 – Development Outside the Growth Network

Policy DLP3: Areas outside the Growth Network

Black Country Core Strategy

CSP3 – Environmental Infrastructure

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation

Policy DLP 32: Nature Recovery Network and Biodiversity Net Gain

Black Country Core Strategy

CPS4 – Place Making

Policy DLP4: Achieving Well designed places.

Black Country Core Strategy

CPS5 – Transport Strategy

Policy DLP 67: The Transport Network

Policy DLP 68: The Key Route Network

Black Country Core Strategy

DEL1 – Infrastructure Provision

Policy DLP6: Infrastructure Provision

Black Country Core Strategy

DEL2 – Managing the Balance between Employment Land and Housing

Policy DLP21: Other Employment Areas

Policy DLP 22: Balancing Employment Land and Housing and Protecting the Viability Integrity of existing Industrial and Business uses.

Black Country Core Strategy

HOU1 – Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

Policy DLP10: Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

Black Country Core Strategy

HOU2 – Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

Policy DLP11: Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

Black Country Core Strategy

HOU3 – Delivering Affordable Housing

Policy DLP 12: Delivering Affordable, Wheelchair Accessible and Self-build/ Custom-Build Housing

Black Country Core Strategy

HOU4 – Accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people

Policy DLP 15: Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Show people

Black Country Core Strategy

HOU5 – Education and Health Care Facilities

Policy DLP 16: Education Facilities

Policy DLP9: Healthcare Infrastructure

Black Country Core Strategy

EMP1 – Providing for Economic Growth

Policy DLP18: Economic growth and job creation

Black Country Core Strategy

EMP2 – Actual and Potential Strategic Employment Land

Policy DLP19: Strategic Employment Areas

Black Country Core Strategy

EMP3 – Local Quality Employment Areas

Policy DLP20: Local Employment Areas

Black Country Core Strategy

EMP4 – Maintaining a Supply of Readily Available Employment Land

Policy DLP 21: Other Employment Areas

Black Country Core Strategy

EMP5 – Improving Access to the Labour Market

Policy DLP 23: Social Value

Black Country Core Strategy

EMP6 – Cultural Facilities and Visitor Economy

Policy DLP5: Cultural Facilities, Tourism, Heritage, and the Visitor Economy

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN1 – The Importance of the Black Country Centres for the Regeneration Strategy

Policy DLP24: Dudley Borough Centres

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN2 – Hierarchy of Centres

Policy DLP24: Dudley Borough Centres

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN3 – Growth in the Strategic Centres

Policy DLP24: Dudley Borough Centres

Policy DLP BH1: Development within the Brierley Hill Strategic Centre and Town Centre Core

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN4 – Regeneration of Town Centres

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN5 – District and Local Centres

Policy DLP 25: Local and District Centres and Local

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN6 – Meeting Local Needs for Shopping and Services

Policy DLP 26: Small Scale Local Facilities

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN7 – Controlling Out-of-Centre Development

Policy DLP 27: Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development

Black Country Core Strategy

CEN8 – Car Parking in Centres

Policy DLP 73: Parking Management

Black Country Core Strategy

TRAN1 – Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

Policy DLP 67: The Transport Network

Black Country Core Strategy

TRAN2 – Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

Policy DLP 69: Transport Impacts of New Development

Black Country Core Strategy

TRAN3 – The Efficient Movement of Freight

Policy DLP 70: The Movement of Freight

Black Country Core Strategy

TRAN4 – Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and for Walking

Policy DLP 71: Active Travel

Black Country Core Strategy

TRAN5 – Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

Policy DLP 72: Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV1 – Nature Conservation

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV2 – Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness

Policy DLP 55: Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness of Dudley

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV3 – Design Quality

Policy DLP 39 Design Quality

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV4 – Canals

Policy DLP 36: Canals

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV5 – Flood Risk, Sustainable Drainage Systems and Urban Heat Island

Policy DLP 45: Flood Risk

Policy DLP 46: Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDs)

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV6 – Open Space, Sport and Recreation

Policy DLP 37: Open Space and Recreation

Policy DLP38: Playing Fields and Sports Facilities

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV7 – Renewable Energy

Policy DLP 47: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy and BREEAM Standards

Black Country Core Strategy

ENV8 – Air Quality

Policy DLP 44: Air Quality

Black Country Core Strategy

WM1 – Sustainable Waste and Resource Management

Policy DLP 75: Waste Infrastructure

Black Country Core Strategy

WM2 – Protecting and Enhancing Existing Waste Management Capacity

Policy DLP 76: Waste Sites

Black Country Core Strategy

WM3 – Strategic Waste Management Proposals

Policy DLP 75: Waste Infrastructure

Policy DLP 77: Preferred Areas for New Waste Facilities

Black Country Core Strategy

WM4 – Locational Considerations for New Waste Management Facilities

Policy DLP 78: Locational Considerations for New Waste Facilities

Black Country Core Strategy

WM5 – Resource Management and New Development

Policy DLP 79: Resource Management and New Development

Black Country Core Strategy

MIN1 – Managing and Safeguarding Mineral Resources

Policy DLP 80: Minerals Production – Requirements

Policy DLP 81: Minerals Safeguarding

Black Country Core Strategy

MIN2 – Production of Aggregate Materials

Policy DLP80: Mineral Production – Requirements

Black Country Core Strategy

MIN3 – Maintaining Supplies of Brick Clay

Policy not taken forward/replaced. Brick Clay supplies within Dudley Borough now exhausted, therefore no longer applicable.

Black Country Core Strategy

MIN4 – Exploitation of Other Mineral Resources

Policy DLP 81: Mineral Safeguarding

Policy DLP 82: Managing the effects of Mineral Development

Black Country Core Strategy

MIN5 – New Proposals for Mineral Development

Policy DLP 82: Managing the effects of Mineral Development,

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S1 – Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development

Not being taken Forward covered in the NPPF

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S2 – Planning for a Healthy Borough

Policy DLP 8 : Health and Wellbeing

Policy DLP 9: Healthcare Infrastructure

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S3 – Renewable Energy

Policy DLP 47: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy and BREEAM Standards

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S4 – Flood Risk

Policy DLP 45: Flood Risk

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S5 – Minimising Flood risk and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs)

Policy DLP 46: Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDs)

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S6 – Urban Design

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S7 – Landscape Design

Policy DLP 40: Landscape Design

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S8 – Local Character and Distinctiveness

Policy DLP 55: Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness of Dudley

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S9 – Conservation Areas

Policy DLP 56: Conservation Areas

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S10 – Listed Buildings

Policy DLP 57: Listed Buildings

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S11 – Buildings of Special or Local Historic Importance

Policy DLP 58: Buildings or Structures of Local Historical and/ or Architectural Importance

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S12 – Areas of High Historic Townscape Value

Policy DLP 59: Areas of High Historic Townscape Value

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S13 – Areas of High Historic Landscape Value

Policy DLP 60: Areas of High Historic Landscape Value

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S14 – Designed Landscapes of High Historic Value and Registered Parks and Gardens

Policy DLP 61: Registered Parks and Gardens and Designed Landscapes of High Historic Value (DLHHV)

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S15 – Heritage Assets of Archaeological interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Priority Areas (APA)

Policy DLP 62: Heritage Assets of Archaeological Interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Priority Areas (APA)

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S16 – Transport Infrastructure Improvements

Policy DLP 67: The Transport Network

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S17 – Access & Impact of Development on the Transport Network

Policy DLP 69: Transport Impacts of New Development

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S18 – Cycling

Policy DLP 71: Active Travel

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S19 – Dudley Borough's Green Network

Policy DLP 51: Dudley Borough's Green Infrastructure Network

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S20 – The Boroughs Geology

Policy DLP 52: The Borough's Geology

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S21 – Nature Conservation Enhancement, Mitigation and Compensation

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation

Policy DLP 32: Nature Recovery Network and Biodiversity Net Gain

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S22 – Mature Trees and Woodland

Policy DLP: 33: Provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and ancient woodland

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S23 – Green Belt

Policy DLP 49: Green Belt

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S24 – Agricultural and Rural Workers Dwellings

Policy DLP 50: Agricultural and Rural Workers dwellings in the Green Belt

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S25 – Canals

Policy DLP 36: Canals

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S26 – Residential Canal Moorings

Policy DLP 36: Canals

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S27 – River Stour and its Tributaries

Policy DLP 54: River Stour and its Tributaries

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S28 – Sports Facilities and Stadiums

Policy DLP 38: Playing Fields and Sports Facilities

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S29 – Public Open Space

Policy DLP 37: Open Space and Recreation

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S30 – Public Open Space within Large Housing Developments

Policy DLP 63: Public Open Space within New Large Housing Developments

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S31 – Childrens Play Areas

Policy DLP 64: Children's Play Areas

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S32 – Parks

Policy DLP 53: Parks

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S33 – Playing Fields

Policy DLP 38: Playing Fields and Sports Facilities

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S34 – Allotments

Policy DLP 65: Allotments and Community Gardens

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S35 – Burial Land, Cemeteries and Crematoriums

Policy DLP 66: Burial Land including Cemeteries and Crematoriums

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy S36 – Public Houses

Policy DLP 25: Local and District Centres and Local Services

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L1 – Housing Development, Extensions and alterations to existing Dwellings

Policy DLP 14: Housing Development, Extensions and alterations to existing dwellings

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L2 – Supported Accommodation

Policy DLP13: Supported Accommodation

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L3 – Affordable Housing in New Developments

Policy DLP 12: Delivering Affordable, Wheelchair Accessible and Self-build/ Custom-Build Housing

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L4 - Type tenure and locations of affordable housing in New Developments

Policy DLP 12: Delivering Affordable, Wheelchair Accessible and Self-build/ Custom-Build Housing

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L5 – Accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

Policy DLP 15: Accommodations for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Show People

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L6 – Strategic High Quality Employment Areas

Policy DLP 19: Strategic Employment Areas

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L7 – Local Quality Employment Areas

Policy DLP 20: Local Employment Areas

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L8 – Protecting the Viability and Integrity of Industrial and Business uses

Policy DLP 22: Balancing Employment Land and Housing, and Protecting the Viability and Integrity of existing Industrial and Business uses

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L9 – Protected Frontages (District and Local Centres)

Due to the changes in Use Class Order no longer relevant – part incorporated into Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L10 – Living over Shops

Policy DLP 28: Residential in Centre

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L11 – Parking in Town Centres

Policy DLP73: Parking Management

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy L12 –Shop Front Security

Policy DLP 30: Shop Front Security

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D1 – Access for All

Policy DLP 83: Access for all

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D2 – Incompatible Land Uses

Policy DLP 84: Incompatible Land Uses

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D3 – Contaminated Land

Policy DLP 85: Contaminated Land

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D4 – Unstable Land

Policy DLP 86: Unstable Land

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D5 – Noise Pollution

Policy DLP 87: Noise Pollution

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D6 – Light Pollution

Policy DLP 88: Light Pollution

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D7 – Hazardous Installations and Hazardous Substances

Not being taken forward as covered by national policy

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D8 – Telecommunications Installations

Not being taken forward as covered by national policy

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D9 – Hot Food Takeaways

Policy DLP 29: Hot Food Takeaways

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D10 – Taxis (Hackney Carriages) and Private Hire Vehicles

Not being taken forward

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D11 – Hand Car Washes

Not being taken forward

Dudley Borough Development Strategy

Policy D12 – Advertisement Control

Policy DLP 89: Control of Advertisements

Stourbridge Area Action Plan  

Policy A – Encouraging Sustainable Development  

Not taking forward as covered by the NPPF  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 1 – Urban Design   

Policy DLP S4: Stourbridge Town Design

Stourbridge Area Action Plan  

Policy 2 – Public Realm Improvements  

Policy DLP S5: Public Realm in Stourbridge   

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 3 – Stourbridge Ring Road  

Policy DLP S7: Stourbridge Ring Road  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 4 – Pedestrian Access  

Policy DLP S8: Pedestrian Access and Cycling  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 5 – Cycling  

Policy DLP S8: Pedestrian Access and Cycling  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 6 – Access for all  

Policy DLP 83: Access for all 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 7 – Primary Shopping Area and Protected Frontage  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Policy DLP S1: Development in Stourbridge Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area  

Given Changes to Use Class order Protected Frontages are not being taken forward 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 8 – The Town Centre  

Policy DLP S1: Development in Stourbridge Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan  

Policy 9 – Hot Food Takeaways (A5 Uses) 

 Policy DLP 29: Hot Food Takeaways  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan   

Policy 10 – Housing Mix and Tenure  

Policy DLP 11: Housing Density, Type and Accessibility  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 11 – Extra Care Housing 

Policy DLP 13: Supported Accommodation  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 12 – New Housing near to Business uses  

Policy DLP 22: Balancing Employment Land and Housing, and Protecting the Viability and Integrity of existing Industrial and Business uses

Stourbridge Area Action Plan  

Policy 13 – Mixed use Developments 

Policy DLP 22: Balancing Employment Land and Housing, and Protecting the Viability and Integrity of existing Industrial and Business Uses

Policy DLP 28: Residential Developments in Centre 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 14 – The River Stour 

Policy DLP 54: River Stour and its Tributaries  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 15 – Nature Conservation   

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 16 – Stourbridge Branch Canal  

Policy DLP 36: Canals  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 17 – Public Open Space  

Policy DLP 37: Open Space and Recreation  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 18 – Urban Heat Island  

Policy DLP 43: Managing Heat Risk  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan  

Policy 19 – Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and Flood Risk   

Policy DLP 45: Flood Risk  

Policy DLP 46: Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDs) 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 20 – Stourbridge Wharf  

Policy DLPS2: Stourbridge Wharf 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 21 – Conservation and Enhancement of local character and distinctiveness  

Policy DLP S6: Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Stourbridge

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 22 – Areas of High Historic Townscape Value  

Policy DLP 59: Areas of High Historic Townscape Value 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 23 – Areas of High Historic Landscape Value  

Policy DLP 60: Areas of High Historic Landscape Value  

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Policy 24 – Archaeological Priority Areas  

Policy DLP 62: Heritage Assets of archaeological interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Priority Areas (APA) 

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S1: Crown Lane

Not being taken forward as site is developed

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S2: Market Street

Most of the site is being developed. The remainder is being taken forward as housing allocation: DLP S H5: 36-42 Market Street

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S3: Angel Passage

Not being taken forward as site is developed

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S4: Scotts Road

Not being taken forward, majority of the site has permission/ built out

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S5: Hagley Road

Not being taken forward as site is developed

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S6: North of Birmingham Street (Cox Hire)

Opportunity site DLP S OS1: North of Birmingham Street

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S7: Mill Race Lane

Opportunity site DLP S OS2: Mill Race Lane

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S8: Bradley Road (East) (Former Rolling Mills Site)

Housing allocation: DLP S H2: Bradley Road (East)

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S9: Bradley Road (West)

Housing allocation: DLP S H3: Bradley Road (West)

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S10: Foster and Rastrick Site

Not being taken forward as majority of the site is developed

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S11: Lowndes Road

Not being taken forward as majority of the site has permission/ built out

Stourbridge Area Action Plan 

Opportunity Site S12: Old Wharf Road

Not being taken forward as majority of the site has permission/ built out

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 1 – Brierley Hill High Street Local Shopping Area  

Policy DLP24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Policy DLP BH1 : Development within the Brierley Hill Town Centre Boundary 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 2 – Brierley Hill High Street Conservation Area  

Policy DLP BH6: Brierley Hill High Street and Delph Nine Locks Conservation Areas 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

 Policy 3 – Development Opportunity Block BR1: The Moor Centre

Housing site – DLP BH H001

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 4 – Development Opportunity Block BR2A 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 5 – Development Opportunity Block BR2B 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 6 – Development Opportunity Block BR9 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 7 – Development Opportunity Block BR20  


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 8 – Marsh Park  

Policy DLP 37: Open Space and Recreation 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 9 – Brierley Place  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality  

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill  

Brierley HIll Area Action Plan 

Policy 10 – Development Opportunity Block BR12 


Brierley HIll Area Action Plan 

Policy 11 – Development Opportunity Block BR10  


Brierley HIll Area Action Plan 

Policy 12 – Development Opportunity Blocks BR11 and BR15A 


Brierley HIll Area Action Plan 

Policy 12 – Development Opportunity Blocks BR15C and BR15F 


Brierley HIll Area Action Plan 

Policy 13 – Development Opportunity Blocks BR16A, BR16B and BR16C 

BR16A - Removed

BR16B carried forward as a housing allocation DLP BH H004

BR16C has been removed as an allocation

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 15  - Ancillary Uses in Lower Brierley  

Not being taken forward as no longer relevant  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 16 – Merry Hill Place 

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 17 – Level Street Square  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 18 – Development Opportunity Block BR14 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 19 – Development Opportunity Blocks BR15D, BR15G and BR16D 

 BR15D has been removed as an allocation

BR15G and BR16D has been carried forward as part of a housing allocation DLP BH H002

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 20 – Development Opportunity Blocks C2, C3, C4 and C5 

 C3 is carried forward into housing allocation DLP BH H002

C2, C4 and C5 – Removed

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 21 – Ancillary Uses in Canal Walk Central  

Not being taken forward as no longer relevant 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 22 – Development Opportunity Blocks R4, R5 and R6 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 23 - Development Opportunity Block R3 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 24 - Development Opportunity Block R10 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 25 - Development Opportunity Block P1 

P1 has been removed as an allocation

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 26 - Development Opportunity Block P4 

 P4 carried forward as part of housing allocation DLP BH PS1

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 27 - Development Opportunity Blocks BR13A, BR13D, BR13E 

 BR13A has been removed as an allocation

BR13D has been carried forward and split between two housing allocations DLP BH H003 and DLP BH H002

BR13E – Removed

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 28 - Development Opportunity Block BR13B 

Carried forward as housing allocation DLP BH H004

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 29 - Development Opportunity Block CW1 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 30 – Ancillary Uses in Canal Walk South  

Not being taken forward as no longer relevant 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 31 - Development Opportunity Block BS1 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 32 – Round Oak Place 

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 33 - Development Opportunity Blocks W1, W2, W3 and W4 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 34 - Development Opportunity Block W5 

Carried forward as part of allocation DLP BH PS1

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 35 – Ancillary Uses in Archill 

Not being taken forward as no longer relevant 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 36 - Development Opportunity Blocks WW1, WW2 and WW3 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 37 – Station Square  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 38 – Development Opportunity Block W7 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 39 - Development Opportunity Blocks W8 and W10  


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 40 - Development Opportunity Block W11 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 41 - Development Opportunity Blocks H1, H2, H3, H4 and H7 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 42 - Development Opportunity Block H11 


Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 43 – Ancillary Uses in Harts Hill  

Not being taken forward as no longer relevant 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 44 – Established Areas 

No longer relevant to carry forward  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 45 – The Primary Shopping Area  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 46 – Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development 

Policy DLP 27: Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 47 – Hot Food Take-aways  

Policy DLP 29: Hot Food Takeaways 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 48 - Offices 

Policy DLP BH9: Office and Employment Uses in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 49 – Living in Brierley Hill Town Centre  

Policy DLP 28: Residential Developments in Centre  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 50 – Rapid Transit 

No longer needed to carry forward 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 51 – Rapid Transit/ Bus Infrastructure Improvements  

Policy DLP 67: The Transport Network 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 52 – Car Parking Standards  

Policy DLP 73: Parking Management 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 53 – Multi-Storey and Under-Croft Car Parking 

Policy DLP 73: Parking Management 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 54 – Primary Public Spaces 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 55 – Primary Thoroughfares 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 56 – Secondary Thoroughfares and Secondary Public Spaces 

Policy DLP BH3: Public Realm in Brierley Hill 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 57 - Development Blocks: Mass, Enclosure and Building Line 

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan  

Policy 58 – Active Frontages  

Policy DLP 4: Achieving Well Designed Places 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan  

Policy 59 – Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Brierley Hill  

Policy DLP BH5: Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Brierley Hill  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan  

Policy 60 – Canals  

Policy DLP 36: Canals  

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 61 – Archaeological Priority Areas  

Policy DLP 62: Heritage Assets of archaeological interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Priority Areas (APA) 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 62 – Wildlife Corridors 

Policy DLP BH4: Green Infrastructure in Brierley Hill  

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 63 – Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation 

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 64 – The Local Environment 

Policy DLP BH4: Green Infrastructure in Brierley Hill  

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 65 – An Orderly and Comprehensive Approach to Development 

Not taking forward 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 66 – Phasing of Comparison Retail Allocations  

Not taking forward 

Brierley Hill Area Action Plan 

Policy 67 – Securing Infrastructure & Planning obligations  

Policy DLP6: Infrastructure Provision 

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy A – Encouraging Sustainable Development 

Not taken forward as covered in the NPPF  

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 1 – Retail Floorspace 

Policy DLP H1: Development in Halesowen Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 2 – Primary Frontages  

Given the Changes in the use class order Primary Frontages are not being taken forward  

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 3 – Secondary Frontages  

  Given the Changes in the use class order Secondary Frontages are not being taken forward 

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 4 – Land Uses outside Halesowen's Primary Shopping Area  

Policy DLP H1: Development in Halesowen Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres 

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 5 – Education in Halesowen  

Policy DLP H2: Education in Halesowen  

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 6 – Proposed Development and the River Stour 

Policy DLP 54: River Stour and its Tributaries  

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 7 – Surface Water  

Policy DLP 45: Flood Risk  

Policy DLP 46: Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDs) 

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 8 - Development Opportunity Site 1: Pool Road Car Park

Not being taken forward

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 9 - Development Opportunity Site 2: Trinity Point and High Street Car Park

Opportunity Site: DLP H OS1

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 10 – Development Opportunity Site 3: Link House and Pioneer House

Opportunity Site DLP H OS2

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 11 – Development Opportunity Site 4: Little Cornbow

Opportunity Site DLP H OS3

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 12 – Development Opportunity Site 5: Fountain House

Opportunity Site DLP H OS4

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 13 – Landscape Public Realm Network  

Policy DLP H6: Landscape and Public Realm/ Open Space Network  in Halesowen

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 14 – Open Space Network 

Policy DLP H6: Landscape and Public Realm/ Open Space Network in Halesowen

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 15 – Public Realm  

Policy DLP H5: Public Realm in Halesowen

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 16 – Landscape: Survey, analysis and design principles  

Policy DLP 40: Landscape Design  

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 17 – Green Network 

Policy DLP 51: Dudley Borough's Green Infrastructure Network 

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 18 – Greening the Streets 

Policy DLP 40: Landscape Design  

Policy DLP H6: Landscape and Public Realm/ Open Space Network  in Halesowen

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 19 – Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Halesowen  

Policy DLP H7: Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Halesowen

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 20 – Areas of High Historic Townscape value (AHHTV) 

Policy DLP 59: Areas of High Historic Townscape Value (AHHTV) 

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 21 – Areas of High Historic Landscape Value (AHHLV) 

Policy DLP 60: Areas of High Historic Landscape Value (AHHLV) 

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 22 – Designed Landscapes of High Historic Value (DLHHV)  

Policy DLP 61: Registered Parks and Gardens and Designed Landscapes of High Historic Value (DLHHV) 

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 23 – Archaeological Priority Areas (APA) 

Policy DLP 62: Heritage Assets of archaeological interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Priority Areas (APA)  

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 24 – Managing and Developing the Highway Network in the Town Centre  

Not required to be taken forward  

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 25 – Public Transport  

Policy DLP 72: Demand for Travel and Travel Choices  

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 26 – Access and Movement  

Policy DLP H8: Access and Movement in Halesowen

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 27 – Walking & Cycling  

Policy DLP 71: Active Travel 

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 28 – Car Parking  

Policy DLP 73: Parking Management 

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 29 – Design Quality  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality  

Halesowen Area Action Plan 

Policy 30 – Sustainable Urban Design  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality  

Halesowen Area Action Plan   

Policy 31 – Urban Character and Appearance  

Policy DLP H3: Urban Character and Appearance

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 32 – Layout and Form  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality 

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 33 – Mixed use  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Policy DLP 28: Residential Developments in Centres 

Policy DLP H1:Development in Halesowen Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area  

Halesowen Area Action Plan  

Policy 34 – Views, vistas and landmarks  

Policy DLP H4: Halesowen Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 1 – Sustainable Development 

Not Taken forward as covering by the NPPF  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 2 – Design Quality  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality  

Policy D3: Dudley Town Design - Landscape, Views, Vistas and Gateways

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 3 – Urban Structure and Built Form  

Policy DLP 39: Design Quality 

Policy DLP D5: Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Dudley  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 4 – Sense of Place and Connectivity  

Policy DLP D3: Dudley Town Design - including Landmark, Views, Vistas and Gateways

Policy DLP  38: Design Quality  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 5 – Landmarks, views and vistas and Gateways  

Policy DLP D3: Dudley Town Design - including Landmark, Views, Vistas and Gateways

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 6 – Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDs) and Flood Risk 

Policy DLP 45: Flood Risk  

Policy DLP 46: Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDs) 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 7 – Development Opportunity Site 1: King Street/ Flood Street

Priority Site: DLP D PS1: Land at King Street/ Flood Street, Dudley

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 8 – Development Opportunity Site 2: Trindle Road/ Halls Street/ Birdcage Walk

Priority Site: DLP D PS2: Trindle Road/ Hall Street/ Birdcage Walk (Portersfield)

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 9 – Development Opportunity Site 3: Tower Street/Castle Street

Opportunity Site: DLP D OS1: Tower Street/ Castle Street

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 10 – Development Opportunity Site 4: Trident Centre/ Upper High Street

Opportunity Site: DLP D OS2: Trident Centre/ Upper High Street

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 11 – Development Opportunity Site 5: Upper High Street/ King Street

Opportunity Site: DLP D OS3: Upper High Street/ King Street

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 12 – Development Opportunity Site 6: Abberley Street/ King Street

Opportunity Site: DLP D OS4: Abberley Street/ King Street

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 13 – Development Opportunity Site 7: Castle Hill/ Tipton Road

Not being taken forward as site is developed

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 14 – Housing Allocations

New Housing Allocations

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 15 – Retail Floorspace  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Policy DLP D1: Development in Dudley Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 16 – Primary Frontages  

Given the Changes in the use class order Primary Frontages are not being taken forward 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 17: Land uses outside Dudley's Primary Shopping Area  

Policy DLP 24: Dudley Borough Centres  

Policy DLP D1: Development in Dudley Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 18 – Housing within the Dudley Area Action Plan Boundary  

Policy DLP 28: Residential Developments in Centre  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 19 – Education  

Policy DLP 16: Education Facilities  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 20 – Leisure and Tourism  

Policy DLP D1: Development in Dudley Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area  

Policy DLP 2: Areas outside the Town Centre Boundary  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 21 – Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Dudley  

Policy DLP D5: Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Dudley  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 22 – Dudley Town Centre Conservation Area 

Policy DLP D6: Dudley Town Centre Conservation Area  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 23 – Castle Hill Conservation Area  

Policy DLP D7: Castle Hill Conservation Area  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 24 – Archaeological Priority Areas  

Policy DLP 62: Heritage Assets of archaeological interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Priority Areas (APA) 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 25 – Access and Movement 

Policy DLP 67: The Transport Network  

Policy DLP 71: Active Travel  

Policy DLP 72: Demand for Travel and Travel Choices  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 26 – Managing and Developing the Highway Network in the Town Centre  

Policy DLP 67: The Transport Network  

Policy DLP 69: Transport Impacts of New Development 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 27 – Public Transport  

Policy DLP D8: Sustainable Transport in Dudley Town Centre  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 28 – Walking and Cycling  

Policy DLP D8: Sustainable Transport in Dudley Town Centre 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 29 – Car Parking 

Policy DLP 73: Parking Management  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 30 – Landscape, Survey, Analysis and Design Principles  

Policy DLP 40: Landscape Design  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 31 – Public Open Space 

Policy DLP 37: Open Space and Recreation  

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 32 – Public Realm  

Policy DLP D4: Public Realm in Dudley Town 

Dudley Area Action Plan 

Policy 33 – Nature Conservation 

Policy DLP 31: Nature Conservation 

Appendix 2 – Adopted Dudley Local Plan Allocations to be superseded by the Dudley Local Plan

Local Plan Document

Designation / Site Reference

Site Name

Description of Change

Reason for Change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Stallings Lane/ Oak Lane

Allocated for 148 units (previously 140)

DLP H 030 - Unit number based on approved application

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land to the east of Gibbons Lane


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Tansey Green Road/ Stallings Lane


Site has been built out and is within a strategic employment area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Corbyns Hall Lane


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Stallings Lane Kingswinford


Allocated as local employment area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Dudley Guest Hospital Site


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Middlepark Road, Russells Hall


Site is being built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Maple Road/ Limes Road, Dudley


Site is being built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Claughton House, Blowers Green Road, Dudley

Allocated for 63 units (Previously 36 units

DLP H 025 – yield increased based on approved application on the site

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


200 Prospect Row


Removed due landowner engagement

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land at Bull Street Dudley

Allocated for 80 units

DLP G 018 - Unit number based on approved application

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


280 Stourbridge Road, Dudley


Under capacity

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


The Woodlands, Dixons Green Road, Dudley


Site is below threshold

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Shaw Road/ New Road Dudley

Allocated - No change

DLP H 020

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Angel Street, Vauxhall Street, dock Lane, Turner Street, Dudley


Allocated for 111 units

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Pensnett Road, Dudley


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Shaw Road, Dudley


Removed following land owner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Prospect Row


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Leys Road, Brockmoor


DLP H 001

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land to the north of High Street, Wollaston


Planning commitment and works commenced on site

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Stourbridge College, Longlands Campus


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Old Wharf Road, Stourbridge

Allocated – Split into two different allocations

DLP H002 (Land at Old Wharf Road)

DLP S H6 (Titan Works)

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Albion Works, off Moor Street, Brierley Hill


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Former Brickworks, north of Brettell Lane, Brierley Hill

Allocated – no Change

DLP H 012

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Quantum Works, Enville Street, Stourbridge

Allocated – No change

DLP H 010

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Moor Street, Brierley Hill

Allocated – No change

DLP H054

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Ridge Hill, Wordsley

Allocated – no change

DLP H022

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land North of Enville Street

Part removed, part allocated


Dudley Borough Development Strategy


North of Moor Street


Prior notification received

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Delph Lane, Brierley Hill


Not suitable for residential due to restricted access and loss of trees

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


South of King William Street, Amblecote


Site previously allocated for housing but removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Platts Road/ Dial Lane, Amblecote


Site previously allocated for housing but removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Corner of Leys Road and Moor Street


DLP H 011 – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


South of Brettell Lane, Brierley Hill


Site previously allocated for housing but removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


North Street Industrial Estate

Allocated – no change

DLP H033

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Plant Street/ Mill Street/ Bridge Street, Wordsley

Allocated – non change

DLP H010

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land south of Cakemore Road, Blackheath


Site is built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Attwood Street Lye


Site is built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Belmont Road, Lye


Below site threshold

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Caledonia Sewage Works

Allocated – No change

DLP H004

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Former Holt Farm Primary School, Holt Road


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


116-120 Colley Gate, Cradley


Below site threshold

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


East of Park Lane, Lye


Below site threshold

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Thorns Road, Lye (Eaton Works)

Allocated – No Change

DLP H 017

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Stewarts Road,


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Springfield Works, Pearson Steet, Lye

Allocated – no Change

DLP H 009

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Foredraft Street, Cradley

Allocated – no change

DLP H 029

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Malt Mill Lane, Shell Corner

Allocated – No change

DLP H003

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Homer Hill Road, Cradley


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


St Marks House, Brook Street, Lye

Allocated – no change

DLP H 019

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Victoria Road, Shell Corner


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Lyde Green/ Cradley Road, Cradley

Allocated – No change

DLP H015

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


East of Balds Lane, Lye

Allocated – no change

DLP H013

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Bott Lane/ Dudley Road, Lye


Landowner/occupiers wish to remain at the site

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Engine Lane, Lye (South of railway)


Landowners/occupiers wish to remain at the site and concerns from ESH

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


North of Providence Street/ South of the Railway line, Lye


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Rufford Road, Stourbridge

Allocated – No change

DLP H 014

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land east of Dudley Road, north of the railway line, Lye including Bromley Street

Site allocated as Local Employment Area

This site is now subsumed as a Local Employment Area- Old Forge Trading Estate

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


South of Stourbridge Road, Lye


Site removed as allocation as there was no indication that the site would be brought forward for housing development.

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


West of Engine Lane, north of the railway, Lye


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


East of Engine Lane, south of the railway, Lye


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Clinic Drive, Lye

Allocated – no change

DLP H 005

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Mucklow Headquarters, Mucklow Hill, Halesowen

Allocated – No change

DLP H 028

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Lodgefield Road, Halesowen


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Shelah Road/ Hayseech Road


Site removed due to dismissed appeal for residential development

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Birmingham New Road/ Sedgley Road West (former Bean Road Factory)

Allocated – no change

DLP H031

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Darkhouse Lane, Coseley


Site built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Mons Hill, Wrens Hill Road, Dudley


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Peartree Lane/ Old Meeting Road, Coseley

Allocated -no change

DLP H044

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Highfields Road, Coseley

Allocated – no change

DLP H008

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Davies Avenue, Coseley


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Mount Pleasant Street, Coseley


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Saltwells Road


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


St Peters Rd/ Northfield Rd/ Canalside, Netherton

Part allocated

Part built out and part DLP H045

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Corner of Halesowen Rd/ Saltwells Rd, Netherton

Allocated – No change

DLP H 016

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


South of Northfield Road


Site previously allocated for housing but removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Sovereign Works off Deepdale Lane, Upper Gornal


Site previously allocated for housing but removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Turley Street, Woodsetton


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Ruiton Street/ Cornwall Road, Lower Gornal

Allocated – No change

DLP H 006

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


High Oak/ Swan Street, Pensnett


Built out for alternate use

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Summit Place, Gornal Wood


Under 50 units

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Quarry Road, Mushroom Green


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Bourne Street, Coseley

Allocated – no change

DLP H007

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Holloway Street, Lower Gornal


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Majors Fold, Lower Gornal

Allocated – No Change

DLP H 021

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Cradley Road, Netherton


Below threshold

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Hockley Lane, Netherton


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


The Portway, Kingswinford


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Gibbons Refractories, Coopers Bank Road


Removed due to landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Rose Hill, Quarry Bank


Site has been built out

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Pensnett Trading Estate

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Gibbons Industrial Park


Local Quality Employment Area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Ham Lane

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Oak Lane

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Stallings Lane Kingswinford

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Dreadnought Road


Site now built out and allocated as Local Quality Employment Area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Peartree Lane/ Narrowboat Way/ Navigation Drive/ Yorks Park

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Ionic Business Park

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Thornleigh Industrial Estate

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


New Road, Dudley

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Wallows Industrial Estate, Brierley Hill

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Birmingham New Road

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Shaw Road


Removed as an allocation due to BEAR scoring

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Angel St, Vauxhall St, Dock Lane, Turner St, Dudley

Part Allocated

Part allocated for housing DLP H032 – part of the site unallocated due to Landowner engagement exercise

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Castlegate Way


Other appropriate uses on the site

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Castlegate Drive


Other appropriate uses on the site

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Hulbert Drive

No change

Employment Opportunity sites

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Midtherm, New Road, Dudley


Part of wider High Quality Employment Area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Brewins Way, Dudley


Built out and allocated as Local Quality Employment area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Hillcrest Business Park, New Road, Dudley

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Two Woods Trading Estate

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Silver End

No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Moor Street Industrial Estate


Removed as an allocation due to BEAR scoring

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Cookley Wharf/ Premier Partnership Industrial Estate off Leys Road

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Bevan Road, Industrial Estate, off Leys Road

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Ruskin Mill, Amblecote

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Mill Race Lane Trading Estate


Removed as a Local Quality Employment Site and allocated in the Stourbridge Section as an Opportunity Site

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Moor Street site and Freight Terminal

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Fairfield Park Industrial Estate, off Fairfield Road

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Nimmings Road/ Station Road, Blackheath

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Vernon Trading Estate and Acorn Park, Shell Corner

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Maypole Fields, Quarry Bank

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


The Hayes

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy



Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Gainsborough Trading Estate, Rufford Road, Stourbridge

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land south of Cakemore Road, Blackheath


Built out and allocated as Local Quality Employment Area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Station Road, Blackheath


Site has been subsumed within Local Employment Area.

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Land off Timmis Road, Lye

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Folkes Road Lye

Reallocated to Local Employment Area

This site has been subsumed into wider Local Employment Area-

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Coombswood Estate, Halesowen Industrial Park, Forge Trading Estate

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Shenstone and Belfont Trading Estate

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Shelah Road/ Hayseech Road


Site meets the High Quality Employment Area scoring

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Steelpark Road

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Heywood Forge off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen


Site has been built out and allocated as High Quality Employment Area

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Bean Road, Coseley

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Bloomfield Road/ Budden Road


Previously Local Employment Area in Dudley Borough Development Strategy, now part Local Employment Area and part High Quality Employment Area.

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Darkhouse Lane, Webb Street and Foundry Street

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Washington Centre, Netherton


Part of the site is allocated, and Local Quality Employment Area and part allocated for housing (DLP H034 and H023)

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Westminster Industrial Estate, Cradley Rd

Allocated – No change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Northfield Rd, Netherton


Removed as an allocation due to BEAR scoring

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Cradley Road, Netherton

No Change

Dudley Borough Development Strategy


Dormston Trading Estate, Jew's Lane Gornal

Part Allocated

This site has been split into two sites, Dormston Trading Estate is allocated as Local Quality Employment Area Jews Lane has been removed from allocation.

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