Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies

Ended on the 22 December 2023

Buildings or Structures of Local Historic and/or Architectural Importance

14.23 Many buildings and structures in the borough which do not currently meet national criteria for statutory listing are nevertheless of significant local historical importance and worthy of protection and conservation in their own right. The Council has adopted a Local List of such buildings, based on the contribution they make to the character and distinctiveness of the borough's townscape and landscape.

Policy DLP58 Buildings or Structures of Local Historic and/or Architectural Importance

  1. Development proposals which contain positive measures to conserve and enhance buildings on the Local List will be supported.
  2. The Council will resist development which will involve:
    1. inappropriate demolition or part demolition of buildings or structures on the Local List
    2. inappropriate alteration or extension to buildings or structures on the Local List and
    3. have a detrimental impact on the setting or context of buildings or structures on the Local List including development which conflicts with the intrinsic historic value of the building and its setting and the local character of the wider area. Proposals for the change of use of a building or structure on the Local List will be required to demonstrate how this would contribute to its conservation whilst preserving or enhancing its architectural or historic interest and conserving and enhancing its significance.
  3. Applications proposing demolition will be required to demonstrate that the viability of continued beneficial use restoration or conversion has been fully investigated and that there are no reasonable alternatives. In cases where demolition is unavoidable the Council will seek to ensure that provision is made for an appropriate level of archaeological buildings recording to take place prior to demolition.


14.24 The majority of Dudley's historic buildings and structures, including industrial archaeological remains, were built after 1840 and so will often not meet the national criteria necessary for inclusion on the statutory lists. This does not, however, diminish their importance in terms of the local historic character of the many different townships which make up Dudley Borough. The 'Local List' and Policy DLP58 aims to ensure there is a measure of protection for these locally significant buildings/structures.

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