Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 22 December 2023

Resource Management and New Development

17.45 Managing material resources – including waste - in a responsible way is an important element of sustainable development and will support the strategic objectives of the Plan.

(1) Policy DLP79 Resource Management and New Development

  1. All new developments should;
    1. address waste as a resource.
    2. minimise waste as far as possible.
    3. design sites with resource and waste management in mind.
    4. manage unavoidable waste in a sustainable and responsible manner.
    5. maximise use of materials with low environmental impacts.
  2. Where a proposal includes uses likely to generate significant amounts of waste, these should be managed either on-site or in as close a proximity as possible to the source of the waste.
  3. Resource and waste management requirements should be reflected in the design and layout of new development schemes. Wherever possible building, engineering and landscaping projects should use alternatives to primary aggregates, such as secondary and recycled materials, renewable and locally sourced products and materials with low environmental impacts. Consideration should also be given to how waste will be managed within the development once it is in use.
  4. Where redevelopment of existing buildings or structures and / or remediation of derelict land is proposed, construction, demolition and excavation wastes (CD&EW) should be managed on-site where feasible and as much material as possible should be recovered and re-used for engineering or building either on-site or elsewhere.


17.46 This policy sets out general principles on waste and resource efficiency to be addressed by new developments, including requirements to manage large amounts of waste on site or nearby, recycle and re-use products as far as possible.

17.47 Achieving zero waste growth and driving waste up the "waste hierarchy" are important objectives of national policy guidance and the strategy for waste management in the borough. Delivering on site-waste management of waste and making better use of waste generated through development will contribute to the delivery of these objectives.

17.48 This policy sets out the minimum requirements for planning applications for all developments to demonstrate how they have addressed waste and resource issues.             

17.49 Residential developments should include adequate storage for recyclable and nonrecyclable waste pending collection, including storage for recyclable wastes and access for waste collection vehicles.              

17.50 The resources and waste management requirements of businesses will be an important consideration in development projects to improve employment areas, town, and district centres. Where feasible, regeneration schemes should include provision for on-site waste management.    

17.51 Where organisations are generating significant amounts of a particular type of waste, which is not currently managed in the borough, consideration should be given towards waste being disposed of or being recovered at the nearest appropriate facility(s).              

17.52 Opportunities for symbiosis – matching waste producers with organisations who might have a use for the waste produced - should be explored.


  • Black Country Waste Study (2020 and 2022), Wood
  • Dudley Borough Waste Study (2023), WSP
  • Authority Monitoring Report


  • Planning applications and permissions
  • Developers- ensure that proposals for non-waste development make efficient use of resources and are designed to include sufficient space for secure waste storage, management and collection.
  • Waste Collection Authority- provide advice to developers on the waste bins and storage space required in residential developments.





DLP75 & DLP79

% of LACW recycled / recovered per annum (DeFRA LACW Statistics)

Increase in recycling rates


New waste recycling, recovery and transfer capacity (tonnes per annum) New landfill capacity (cubic metres / tonnes) Waste capacity lost (tonnes per annum) (Dudley Council Annual Monitoring)

As specified in Policy DLP75 supporting text


Number of planning applications for housing development near to a Strategic Waste Site / % of proposals compliant with policy (

100% of housing developments near to a Strategic Waste Site to include effective measures to manage land use conflicts


Net change in waste capacity – significant losses in capacity /significant gains from development of new infrastructure

Delivery of indicative waste capacity requirements in Policy DLP75 delivered

DLP77 & DLP78

Total number of planning applications for waste development approved/ number of applications approved within the preferred areas or other retained employment areas

% of planning permissions for waste development (excluding landfill sites) to be in preferred areas or other retained employment areas


Total number of planning applications for waste development submitted, number of applications held in abeyance / invalid

100% of waste applications include information required by the policy

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