Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies

Ended on the 22 December 2023

Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDS)

Policy DLP46 Sustainable drainage and surface water management (SuDS) 

  1. All new developments should incorporate SuDS and all development proposals should provide details of adoption, ongoing maintenance, and management of SuDS.
  2. SuDS shall be designed in line with the Black Country Local Standards for SUDS. Preference will be given to systems that contribute to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity and green infrastructure in the wider area.
  3. For all major developments, surface water flows must be reduced back to equivalent greenfield rates. If greenfield runoff rates are not considered to be feasible for viability or other reasons, then the developer must submit evidence demonstrating what the constraints to achieving this are and how their development will accommodate runoff rates that are as close as reasonably possible to greenfield rates.
  4. Under no circumstances will post-development runoff rates that are greater than pre-development runoff rates be permitted.
  5. Surface water drainage strategies are required for all major developments, regardless of their size and the flood zone and catchment they are in to meet the requirements of the Lead Local Flood Authority(s). These should take into account all sources of flooding to ensure that future development is resilient to flood risk and does not increase flood risk elsewhere and should look to provide wider betterment.
  6. A hydrogeological risk assessment is required where infiltration SuDS are proposed for anything other than clean roof drainage in a Source Protection Zone 1.
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