Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)
Stourbridge Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area
3.6 The Stourbridge Town Centre boundary comprises the area within the ring road, and the area of land between the ring road and Birmingham Street, identified as Angel Passage. Local Plan Policy DLP24 sets out the general approach to town centre development within the borough, including appropriate uses.
(3) Policy DLPS1 Development in Stourbridge Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area
- The Stourbridge Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area boundaries are identified on the Stourbridge Town Centre Inset Policies Map.
- In line with national and local planning policy, any new retail developments will be directed towards the Town Centre Core Area. Dudley Council will consider the application of planning conditions to any planning permissions granted to ensure the retention of the retail use, where necessary, relevant, and reasonable in terms of the strategic importance of the development.
- Local Plan Policy DLP24 sets out the policy context for appropriate uses within Stourbridge Town Centre (Tier Two Centre). The diversification and repurposing of Stourbridge town centre in general will be supported by approving development that enhances the vitality and viability of the centre.
- The provision of additional residential development, particularly the re-use of upper floors of premises, will be encouraged through flexibility in the application of guidance and standards relating to parking provision and amenity (Local Plan Policy DLP28). All residential development must comply with the most up to date residential design guidance.
- In the case of any edge-of-centre or out-of-centre proposals, unless identified as a preferred use in the Opportunity Sites, these will only be considered favourably if a sequential test and impact assessment are satisfied (Local Plan Policy DLP26 and DLP27).
3.7 The town centre will remain an important focus for day-to-day shopping and a range of other town centre uses such as office, leisure, and cultural facilities. As recognised in the Local Plan, in view of the changing nature of town centres, there is a need to diversify in terms of uses that promote and encourage their vitality and viability. The recent changes to the Use Class Order (wherein retail uses now lie within the same 'E' Use Class as other uses, including food and drink, or offices) mean that retail uses are now able to change more freely to other uses. Whilst this enables town centres to become more flexible and responsive to changes, it does mean it is now more difficult to manage the loss of retail uses.
3.8 Notwithstanding the above, in line with national planning policy it remains important to identify the Town Centre Core Area (formerly Primary Shopping Area) for the key purpose of identifying whether a retail development proposal constitutes edge of or out of centre development. It is recognised that there is likely to be a diversification of uses within the Town Centre Core Area, however, any new proposals for retail development will still be directed towards it in the first instance.
Stourbridge Wharf
3.9 Stourbridge Wharf is a 'linchpin' area between Stourbridge Town Centre and the existing and proposed housing led regeneration areas within the River Stour and Stourbridge Branch Canal corridor. It has been described as a historic community asset, contributing to the distinctive character of Stourbridge, and having a multi-functional role for the benefit of the local community and visitors.
(1) Policy DLPS2 Stourbridge Wharf
- The Stourbridge Wharf area, the boundaries of which are set out on the Proposals Map, shall be promoted as focus for creative/cultural industry and visitor economy related business, with complementary entertainment and leisure uses. These will be sensitive to the existing and proposed residential uses, whilst promoting the area's unique heritage. Preferred uses are –
- Canal based uses and activities including the provision of additional visitor moorings and boater's facilities, and canal themed industry with ancillary retail uses.
- Creative/cultural industry and visitor economy related businesses, specifically uses connected with the arts, including studios and performance spaces.
- Residential uses, which shall be designed to relate to the canal and river setting, including providing an active frontage to these watercourses whilst, being sensitive to existing industry, heritage assets, and the nature conservation value of the area.
- The environment of this area shall be enhanced and upgraded, through enabling development, development contributions, and other delivery mechanisms as appropriate, with a particular focus on the following measures being implemented:
- Safeguarding the operational viability of the Stourbridge Navigation Trust (SNT) by the formalisation of enclaves around those parts of the area where the activities of SNT are based and the provision of car parking areas to facilitate the holding of events.
- Public realm improvements to include works to enhance the nature conservation value of the area and towpath improvements, including the formation of an expanded canal basin.
- Improvements shall be sensitive to heritage assets and be embedded within Green Infrastructure, which enhances existing wildlife habitats and uses locally distinct flora and includes the removal of invasive plan species.
- Improvements to the connectivity over the canal and river through the provision of new bridges connecting new residential developments with the wider area.
3.10 The canal and the area to the north is designated as a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). Any proposed development for works should retain that vegetation which has nature conservation value and opportunities should be taken to enhance its value through development proposals or canal-side enhancement works.
3.11 The area is also a conservation area (The Canal Street Conservation Area), containing a Grade II Listed Building (The Bonded Warehouse) and four Locally Listed Buildings within a historic canal-side setting. The conservation area is currently included on Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register. An opportunity exists to draw on this heritage, including promoting and enabling canal-based activities, uses, and tourism, to reinforce the character thereby sustaining and improving conservation area.
3.12 Enhancing the current pedestrian and cycle linkages around the Canal and River Stour in the Stourbridge Wharf area is important to promote active travel and create linkages within the communities. It is therefore important that new developments within these areas, such as Bradley Road East and West incorporate the development of new bridges to provide access to the surrounding areas and provide connections for residents on both sides of the canal and rivers to access surrounding infrastructure including, the Public Open Space, Riverside House, War Memorial Athletic Ground and Lion Health. While also providing better connection to the wider pedestrian and cycle network.