Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
The vision for Dudley Borough by 2041
Representation ID: 1620
Received: 29/11/2024
Respondent: Clockfields Green Space Campaign Group
Number of people: 10
As my representation for Regulation 19 of the Dudley Local Plan Consultation I would like to please express my full support for the designations below for the Clockfields green space and woodland:
1) Land at Clockfields SLINC
2) Tree Preservation Order TPO/0042/AMB
3) Recognition of central designated public open space as Amenity space
I would also like to please request that the council reconsiders the decision for a possible Local Green Space designation at the site as submitted during the Regulation 18 consultation and fully support any additional protection measures and policies that could further protect the site for the benefit of the local community and future generations such as Site of Interest for Nature Conservation (SINC).
You may also want to request that the currently unmarked path from the end of of Culverhouse
Drive to the canal be designated a formal Public Right of Way.
Regulation 19 of the Dudley Local Plan is under consultation, sadly our request under Regulation
18 for 'Local Green Space' (equivalent to green belt protection) last year was turned down but we can still appeal that decision. The revised LGS request was downscaled from all 4 green areas and wooded areas to just the middle area of green space and adjacent patches at the end of Culverhouse Drive (as it needs to be one area as such).
Below is a summary and details of each of the 4 parcels of green space and woodland.
1. Mature woodland which has existed since well before the estate was built and covered by Woodland TPO (TPO/0042/AMB) from 2011. Generally mature woodland is protected from development by Dudley Council
2. Same as above, the strip between the estate and Brettell Lane, mature woodland covered by the TPO.
3. The area of Public Open Space designated by Wrekin Homes as a condition of building the estate. The trees are covered individually under the TPO. It is recognised as publicly accessible amenity space in the council green space assessments. Amenity spaces and open green spaces like this aren't automatically protected from development unless they have Village Green or Local Green Space designation (the latter is the newer one).
4. Land planted as part of the Black Country Urban (Millennium) Forest which includes private open space on the edges (Planning application P00/51751) due to land stability issues. This has both SLINC (Site of Local Interest for Nature Conservation) status and the Woodland Tree Preservation Order to supposedly cover all trees of any age and size. Potential upgrades would be SINC (Site of Interest for Nature Conservation) which would offer further
I've also included a map that might be of interest which is an overlay of the estate as it is now over an aerial photo from 1963.
You can see the maps in more detail at the Council Historic Maps site: