Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Policy DLP1 Development Strategy

Representation ID: 1065

Received: 28/11/2024

Respondent: CPRE Worcestershire

Agent: CPRE Worcestershire

Representation Summary:

Concerned that Dudley MBC is putting forward a plan that fails to meet its objectively assessed development needs in full, though it manages to come fairly close to that.This failure makes the plan unsound at present. Wherever the deficit is met, it should not be in Bromsgrove District. As it is not an appropiate destination for exported housing (or employment land).

Nearly all undeveloped land in Bromsgrove District is designated as Green Belt, which serves to maintain the separation between Birmingham, the Black Country, and the town of Bromsgrove, as well as the large commuter villages in the area, such as Hagley, Catshill, Barnt Green, Alvechurch, and


Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Policy DLP1 Development Strategy

Representation ID: 1066

Received: 28/11/2024

Respondent: CPRE Worcestershire

Agent: CPRE Worcestershire

Representation Summary:

CPRE Worcestershire raise concerns that Dudley MBC's plan does not fully meet its objectively assessed development needs, rendering the plan unsound. While to comes close, there remains a deficit in housing provision that needs to be addressed. CPRE Highlights the Lickey Hills and Clent Hills, arguing that expansion into this area would not be desirable.

Dudley should seek statements of common ground with other authorities (such as Telford and Wrekin) by which they would provide development land to meet Dudley's deficit,


Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Policy DLP6 Infrastructure Provision

Representation ID: 1067

Received: 28/11/2024

Respondent: CPRE Worcestershire

Agent: CPRE Worcestershire

Representation Summary:

CPRE Worcestershire welcomes the decision of Dudley MBC not to review the boundary of its Green Belt.
We would be very concerned about any possibility of the Green Belt boundary between Pedmore and Hagley
being altered, as this is a mere 500m wide along Worcester Lane Pedmore and zero along one side of
Stourbridge Road, Hagley continuing Hagley Road, Stourbridge.
Being such a narrow strip of Green Belt, this has a particularly important role in meeting one of the five
purposes of Green Belt, that of keeping settlements apart.

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