Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)

Policy DLP44 Air Quality

Representation ID: 1534

Received: 29/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Please note that our previous advice at Reg 18 (Reference 456385 - 22nd December 2023) made recommendations into how the Plan could be strengthened. These recommendations remain valid and so is not repeated here. Please note that Natural England has not provided advice on all aspects of the plan, instead focusing on aspects within Natural England's remit; the absence of comments on a policy should not be taken as Natural England giving support

We recognise that this consultation focuses itself upon a need to preliminarily test the potential for soundness. With this in mind, Natural England welcomes this positive, well prepare and justified plan for the future of Dudley that is sound and legally compliant. We particularly welcome the numerous references to the natural environment throughout the plan.

: Are judgement of soundness is based on Dudley’s ongoing ‘Duty to Cooperate’ commitment in engaging Natural England and other local partners in developing an appropriate policy that will support Air Quality challenges upon the protected sites in the extra-local area as outlined in section 8 of the
Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).

We agree with the conclusion of your HRA, though the reasoning linked to Air Quality still requires attention and that this is being dealt with through a Statement of Common Ground between us both. We feel you have these Air Quality challenges in-hand and that they are thus resolvable as we continue ongoing advisory guidance with you and other local authority partners (via the Cannock Chase SAC Air Quality study) who are also in need of support on this. As such, our ongoing advice and guidance during this interim period will help amend and agree the HRA and AA.


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