Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 19)
Policy DLP1 Development Strategy
Representation ID: 1061
Received: 28/11/2024
Respondent: Hagley Parish Council
Hagley Parish Council are concerned that Dudley MBC cannot quite meeting all its development needs, having a shortage of land for 699 houses. Welcoming the decision not to review Green Belt boundaries, recalling that a previous consultation proposed to allocate land along Worcester Lane, Pedmore for housing.
Dudley should also not look to meeting its land supply deficit in Wyre Forest District, in so far as that might
involve an increase in traffic on A456 through Hagley (to meet needs arising in Halesowen), as A456 is
already used beyond its capacity at peak times and would not be able to accommodate housing on the
scale allegedly required, unless there were very substantial highway improvements. Such improvements
would have to be on such as a large scale as to render the housing development financially unviable.