Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

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Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPBH1 Development in the Brierley Hill Strategic Centre and Town Centre Core

Representation ID: 741

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

By way of introduction to the PCCWM observations on Part 2, it might be helpful to summarise
the current intentions regarding the location of WMP premises within Dudley Borough. The new
Police HQ for the borough will be provided at Castlegate. This will replace Brierley Hill, Dudley St
James' Road and Halesowen facilities. The shared facility (with West Midlands Fire & Rescue
Service) at Sedgeley will be retained. Neighbourhood Teams currently located in Brierley Hill (also
serving Lye and Stourbridge) and Halesowen will be relocated locally.
Vision for Brierley Hill, the PCCWM suggests the following addition, ‘a) having strong, resilient,
safe and secure and thriving communities with enhanced health and well-being, including access
to more cultural, leisure and community facilities. (Suggested changes in bold and underlined).
On paragraph 1.9 which deals with design challenges, the PCCWM suggests an additional bullet
point, ‘Ensure that the principles of Secured by Design are integral to new development and
improvements to the public realm’ (Suggested changes in bold and underlined). [Objection]


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPBH2 Brierley Hill Design - Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways

Representation ID: 742

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Policy DLPBH2 Brierley Hill Design - Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways. Subject to the strengthening of the supporting text to Policy DLP39 as referred to above, there is no additional
need for further mention of security or safety matters in this policy. It should be noted in relation
to points 5 and 8 that Brierley Hill Police Station is due to close. [Comment]


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPBH3 Public Realm in Brierley Hill

Representation ID: 743

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

In relation to Policy DLPBH3 Public Realm in Brierley Hill, the PCCWM welcomes the emphasis
towards public safety within the public realm in this policy. [Support]


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPBHOS1 Brierley Hill Strategic Centre Opportunity Site: Brierley Hill Civic Core

Representation ID: 744

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Table 1.1: Summary of Brierley Hill Allocations. The site of Brierley Hill Police Station should be
added into the Brierley Hill Civic Core Zone (BH OS1). The site was previously submitted as part
of the Call for Sites. (Suggested changes in bold and underlined). [Objection].


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPBH8 Residential Growth in Brierley Hill 

Representation ID: 745

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Given the addition of the site of Brierley Hill Civic Core Zone (BH OS1), the PCCWM would suggest
that Policy DLPBH8 Residential Growth in Brierley Hill should be revised as follows, '1. Sufficient
land will be provided to deliver up to at least 1,636 new dwellings within the Brierley Hill Strategic
Centre Inset Plan area during the plan period up to 2041.' (Suggested changes in bold and
underlined with strikethrough). [Objection]


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPBHPS1 (Priority Site) Land at Waterfront Way and Level Street

Representation ID: 746

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Policy DLPBHOS1 Brierley Hill Strategic Centre Opportunity Site: Brierley Hill Civic Core, this
policy should acknowledge in ‘2d. change of use, redevelopment or partial redevelopment of the
Police Station Site could include housing.’ (Suggested changes in bold and underlined).


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPD1 Development in Dudley Town Centre and Town Centre Core Area 

Representation ID: 747

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Dudley Town Centre, vision and objectives, P76, the relocation of the Police HQ serving Dudley
Borough to Castlegate Business Park will considerably reinforce Police presence on a ‘Primary
Gateway’ site just beyond the town centre boundary. Notwithstanding this, the new facility will
benefit from good quality accessibility by both road (located directly on the key route network)
and public transport (Metro) optimising operational requirements.


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPD3 Dudley Town Design - Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways

Representation ID: 748

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Policy DLPD3 Dudley Town Design - Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways. Subject to the
strengthening of the supporting text to Policy DLP39 as referred to above, there is no additional
need for further mention of security or safety matters in this policy. It should be noted that the
existing Police Station at Dudley St James’ Road will close with the Neighbourhood Team
relocating to the HQ Police Station. [Comment]


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPD4 Public Realm in Dudley Town

Representation ID: 749

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

In relation to Policy DLPD4 Public Realm in Dudley Town, the PCCWM welcomes the emphasis
towards public safety within the public realm in this policy. [Support]


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

Policy DLPS4 Stourbridge Town Design - Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways

Representation ID: 751

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands (PCCWM)

Agent: Tyler Parkes

Representation Summary:

Policy DLPS4 Stourbridge Town Design - Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways. Subject to the
strengthening of the supporting text to Policy DLP39 as referred to above, there is no additional
need for further mention of security or safety matters in this policy. [Comment]

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