Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

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Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

DLP H011

Representation ID: 621

Received: 20/12/2023

Respondent: Brockmoor Properties Limited

Agent: Glen Dimplex Group

Representation Summary:

Brockmoor Properties Limited support the principle of the proposals for the allocation of Land to the north and south of Leys Lane, Brockmoor within their ownership as draft housing allocations DLP H011 and DLP H036.

Table 6.1 of the Draft Dudley Local Plan sets out housing site capacities for all of the proposed allocations. It is not clear however how the gross and net areas have been calculated, and therefore how the housing site capacity has been calculated. Clarification is sought on how the gross to net calculations for the allocations have been arrived at.

The southern site (draft allocation reference DLP HO11) is stated within Table 6.1 of the Draft Dudley Local Plan to have capacity for 78 homes. The Call for Sites submission demonstrated that the site owned by Brockmoor Properties Limited, of which the allocation is part, is capable of accommodating up to 85 dwellings. We therefore request that the allocation is increased to at least 85 dwellings plus any additional able to be accommodated on the western part of the allocation owned by another landowner.


Part Two: Centres and Site Allocations (Regulation 18)

DLP H036

Representation ID: 622

Received: 20/12/2023

Respondent: Brockmoor Properties Limited

Agent: Glen Dimplex Group

Representation Summary:

Brockmoor Properties Limited support the principle of the proposals for the allocation of Land to the north and south of Leys Lane, Brockmoor within their ownership as draft housing allocations DLP H011 and DLP H036.

Table 6.1 of the Draft Dudley Local Plan sets out housing site capacities for all of the proposed allocations. It is not clear however how the gross and net areas have been calculated, and therefore how the housing site capacity has been calculated. Clarification is sought on how the gross to net calculations for the allocations have been arrived at.

The northern site (draft allocation reference DLP H036) is stated within Table 6.1 of the Draft Dudley Local Plan to have capacity for 60 homes. The Call for Sites submission and associated Illustrative Masterplan - Dwg Ref C4746_SK001 submitted to the Black Country Authorities in 2020 however demonstrates that the site has capacity for 75-80 dwellings which includes areas for potential attenuation ponds, open space and a play area. We therefore consider that additional residential development can be easily accommodated on site DLP H036 and as such we request that the allocation is increased to at least 80 dwellings.

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