Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)
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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)
The vision for Dudley Borough by 2041
Representation ID: 522
Received: 21/12/2023
Respondent: Warwickshire Council
Thank you for consulting the County Council on the draft Local Plan.
Whilst we do not share a boundary with the Dudley district, there's a lot of common
usage of the M42 south of Solihull by both Stratford District and Dudley Borough
residents, and the Kidderminster/ Worcester rail line, and the Chiltern line run through
Dudley Borough at Stourbridge and then on to Birmingham and directly to either
Stratford or Warwick/ Leamington and then London.
The lack of employment land coming forward in the Black Country may be
encouraging more development in Warwickshire. the larger housing developments
proposed won't have much impact on Warwickshire as it's a different market. They're
not particularly near the Warwickshire rail links, but some people could live there and
commute by car, or via the station and drive.
The Council therefore has no objections to the draft plan