Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)

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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)

Policy DLP1 Development Strategy

Representation ID: 527

Received: 19/12/2023

Respondent: Hagley Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Hagley Parish Council welcomes the positive steps taken to not build on Green Belt land in the Dudley Metropolitan Area. Hagley Parish Council recognises the importance of maintaining the greenbelt between Dudley, Halesowen, and Hagley. In that connection, it places particular emphasis on maintaining the gap between Hagley and Pedmore which is a mere 500 metres wide along Worcester Lane, Pedmore. It is also important to preserve the open land around Pedmore Hall, below Wychbury hillfort and east of Hagley Road.
Hagley Parish Council is concerned that Dudley MBC is proposing to adopt a policy that does not meet its objectively assessed needs and is seeking to export the excess to adjacent districts. Since there is little undeveloped land either in Bromsgrove or South Staffordshire districts, other than Green Belt, the implication is that Dudley MBC intends to force adjacent districts to review their Green Belt, in order to meet Dudley’s needs. This is highly undesirable.
It is imperative that Dudley MBC Strategic Planners liaise directly with Worcestershire Highways and Bromsgrove District Council Strategic Planners to mitigate the effects of increased traffic that will be generated from Dudley’s Housing and economic growth.
Hagley (and wider Bromsgrove) are affected by commuter, social and leisure traffic using the A456, A491, A450 and B4187 when travelling to join the A38, M5 and M6 and destinations beyond. Investment is required to alleviate the added pressures on these already congested junctions. The Grange roundabout at Halesowen (A456/A459/B4551) is a particular pinch point, where means need to be found to improve capacity

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