Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)

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Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)

The vision for Dudley Borough by 2041

Representation ID: 275

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Heyford Developments

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

In light of the Council's need and the shortfall that the Council is faced with, Heyford urge the Council to first consider how it can first meet its own needs with land within its own administrative area first before looking to go cross boundary. If it is confirmed that there is no other alternative other than to look to adjoining neighbours the Council are urged to enter into constructive and productive discussions with the other HMA authorities, including South Staffordshire, to seek agreement on how and where this unmet housing need is going to be delivered. Meeting the housing needs of the HMA cannot be achieved on an authority by authority basis and that a joined up approach that crosses administrative boundaries will be required if there is to be any chance of meeting the HMA’s housing needs both in terms of quantum and the required mix, including affordable homes.

It is our view that the focus for addressing the shortfall in Dudley should be in Dudley first but then in the authorities closest to them such as South Staffordshire, who have a meaningful ability to address the shortfall with land available adjacent to the conurbation.


Part One: Spatial Strategy and Policies (Regulation 18)

Policy DLP1 Development Strategy

Representation ID: 276

Received: 21/12/2023

Respondent: Heyford Developments

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

In light of the Council's need and the shortfall that the Council is faced with, Heyford urge the Council to first consider how it can first meet its own needs with land within its own administrative area first before looking to go cross boundary. If it is confirmed that there is no other alternative other than to look to adjoining neighbours the Council are urged to enter into constructive and productive discussions with the other HMA authorities, including South Staffordshire, to seek agreement on how and where this unmet housing need is going to be delivered. Meeting the housing needs of the HMA cannot be achieved on an authority by authority basis and that a joined up approach that crosses administrative boundaries will be required if there is to be any chance of meeting the HMA’s housing needs both in terms of quantum and the required mix, including affordable homes.

It is our view that the focus for addressing the shortfall in Dudley should be in Dudley first but then in the authorities closest to them such as South Staffordshire, who have a meaningful ability to address the shortfall with land available adjacent to the conurbation.

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